Drag Scale Type ala Illustrator

Scaling type hor­i­zon­tal­ly with the appro­pri­ate field on the Character or Control palettes is easy and pre­cise, but not nec­es­sar­i­ly ide­al when try­ing to scale to fit a par­tic­u­lar space or …

Win Illustrator CS2 @Work

This week (25–31 December 2005), Creativepro​.com is hand­ing out five signed copies of my acclaimed project-based book Adobe Illustrator CS2 @work in their week­ly give­away. Unlike any soft­ware book you’ve …

Win Illustrator CS2 @Work

Win one of five signed copies of Pariah S. Burke’s acclaimed project-based book Adobe Illustrator CS2 @work in Creativepro.com’s week­ly give­away. Adobe Illustrator CS2 @ Work Unlike any soft­ware book you’ve …

Update: My Illustrator CS2 Books

Wednesday morn­ing I deliv­ered my final drafts (“author review”) of the chap­ters I’m con­tribut­ing to Special Edition: Using Adobe Creative Suite 2 (Que, 2005). So, bar­ring any last minute changes to …

Adobe Announces Illustrator CS2

Designers to Rediscover the Power of Vector Graphics with Adobe Illustrator CS2 New Version Delivers Breakthrough Creative Tools Along with Advanced SVG‑t Support for Developing Mobile Content Press Release Adobe …

Video eLearning: Vyond Animation TWD Video Shorts

Title: Training & Workforce Development Video Shorts Animations Audience: Internal Personnel Organization-wide My Role(s)/Contribution(s): Animation, Audio Editing, Video Editing, Comedy Writing Primary Tool(s) Employed: Vyond, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Première Pro, Adobe …

Video eLearning: ProjectDox Applicant

Title: Training & Workforce Development Video Shorts Animations Audience: Internal Personnel Organization-wide My Role(s)/Contribution(s): Animation, Audio Editing, Video Editing, Comedy Writing Primary Tool(s) Employed: Vyond, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Première Pro, Adobe …


A Full Range of Introductory, Advanced, and Expert Courses I am a pro­lif­ic, expert edu­ca­tor who deliv­ers Instructor Led Training, Virtual Instructor Lead Training, On-Site Classroom Training, Private Customized Training, White …