Working with Styles Effectively in Adobe Illustrator

In this tuto­r­i­al clip you will learn effi­cient para­graph and char­ac­ter style man­age­ment and use tech­niques in Adobe Illustrator CC, includ­ing: Importing Graphic, Paragraph, and Character Styles from Other Files Sharing …

Using the Touch Type Tool in Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator’s Touch Type Tool is a pow­er­ful, quick, and FUN way of trans­form­ing one or more let­ters with­in live, fully-editable type with­out hav­ing to jump around to a bunch of fields …

Type Sizing Tricks in Adobe Illustrator

Learn tricks for siz­ing type with­out com­pro­mis­ing qual­i­ty, unnec­es­sary men­tal acro­bat­ics, or los­ing your train of thought. In this tuto­r­i­al you will learn incred­i­bly handy, master-level type siz­ing tricks including: …

Importing Text from Microsoft Word in Adobe Illustrator

More and more late­ly, Illustrator users are being asked to include pas­sages, some­times mul­ti­ple pages of, text in doc­u­ments. That tex­tu­al con­tent often comes from writ­ers and edi­tors using Microsoft …

Putting Images Inside Type in Adobe Illustrator

Filling type with imagery is easy and can pro­duce stun­ning type. In this tuto­r­i­al clip you’ll learn how to put an image inside type and how to repo­si­tion that image …