Interview: Let’s Talk InCopy with Chad Siegel

In an exclu­sive inter­view, Quark VS InDesign​.com’s res­i­dent InCopy Workflow spe­cial­ist Pariah Burke talks to Adobe’s InCopy Senior Product Manager Chad Siegel about InCopy–who needs it, who will have it, where it’s going, and whether Microsoft should be nervous.

Enough Whining About the Adobe-Macromedia Merger

Recently, Quark VS InDesign​.com read­er Woz men­tioned his con­cern over the Adobe-Macromedia merg­er because of an edi­to­r­i­al he found on the blog Daring Fireball. Fortunately for Woz, that edi­to­r­i­al was …

Quark Vs InDesign: The Catalog POV

Brief overview of the war offers inter­est­ing insights The web­site Multchannel Merchant has today pub­lished an arti­cle on the con­tinut­ing com­mer­cial shake­out between QuarkXPress and Adobe InDesign amongst cat­a­log publishers. …

Lesson: Choose Your Positive Press Carefully

In the ongo­ing tug of war on the hearts and minds of design­ers and lay­out artists every­where, Quark, Inc. links to pos­i­tive press to make its case. But should Quark …

Adobe InDesign Server CS2 Debuts Today

New serv­er ver­sion of InDesign enables automa­tion of high-end edi­to­r­i­al work­flows, col­lat­er­al cre­ation, data-driven pub­lish­ing, and template-based web pub­lish­ing. This morn­ing Adobe Systems Incorporated will intro­duce InDesign Server CS2 at …

Jupitermedia Launches Adobe LiveCycle Developer Center

New skills-based por­tal focus­es on pre­mier intel­li­gent doc­u­ments plat­form. A key com­po­nent of Adobe’s Intelligent Document plat­form as well as Adobe’s vision of the paper­less future, Adobe LiveCycle is the …