Macworld Expo Attendees Want Less Buggy Software

Data col­lect­ed in Extensis booth (#826) shows near­ly half of vis­i­tors feel that tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­nies should offer more sta­ble prod­ucts and that a major­i­ty of atten­dees are hold­ing off on tech­nol­o­gy pur­chas­es for CS3 availability.

Quark launches QuarkXPress Server 7

PRESS RELEASE Quark takes dynam­ic pub­lish­ing to a new lev­el with on-demand cre­ative com­mu­ni­ca­tions Chicago (Graph Expo) – October 16, 2006 – Quark Inc. announced today the launch of QuarkXPress Server …

WoodWing Introduces Smart Newspaper

PRESS RELEASE A Special Suite of Solutions for the Newspaper Market DETROIT — 9 October 2006— WoodWing USA has announced a new bun­dled suite of its edi­to­r­i­al solu­tions aimed specif­i­cal­ly at the …

Quark Publishing System update to be shown at IFRA Expo 2006

PRESS RELEASE New and enhanced fea­tures pro­vide val­ue to pub­lish­ing and mar­ket­ing work­flows; next gen­er­a­tion pre­view demon­strates com­mit­ment to open stan­dards and inte­grat­ed solu­tions NEUCHÂTEL, Switzerland – October 5, 2006 …

New axaio MadeToCompare InCopy provides WoodWing SCE connection

PRESS RELEASE Berlin, September 2006. axaio’s MadeToCompare InCopy CS2 Plug-In can now be inte­grat­ed into WoodWing Smart Connection Enterprise edi­to­r­i­al system.The Plug-In, which will be pre­sent­ed offi­cial­ly at this years …