DTP Tools and Pariah S. Burke Announce Page Control 1.0 Plug–in for Adobe InDesign

PRAGUE, EU – Oct. 16, 2006 – DTP Tools and Pariah S. Burke are pleased to announce the release of the pub­lic beta of the new Page Control plug–in for Adobe® InDesign® CS and CS2. Twenty-two years into the age of desk­top pub­lish­ing, Page Control final­ly enables users to break out of the one doc­u­ment, one page size paradigm.

“Every day I see the needs and wants of cre­ative pro­fes­sion­als. I see the holes in cre­ative work­flows and the stum­bling blocks to cre­ative productivity,” said cre­ative and pub­lish­ing work­flow guru, Pariah S. Burke. “After years of help­ing design­ers workaround the holes and stum­bling blocks, know­ing what solu­tions would help my cre­ative peers, but being unable to get the major soft­ware mak­ers to pro­duce them, I decid­ed to take mat­ters into my own hands.”

In ear­ly 2006 Burke approached Goldwein Research, Ltd, a Czech com­pa­ny known for releas­ing pro­duc­tiv­i­ty enhance­ment plug-ins for InDesign, QuarkXPress, and Adobe FrameMaker under its DTP Tools brand. Goldwein Research has had suc­cess­es with History, Layer Groups, X‑Ray, and Tetris palette-based plug-ins for InDesign, and Text Count, for InDesign, QuarkXPress, and FrameMaker.

Burke stat­ed: “The History and Layer Groups plug-ins for InDesign in par­tic­u­lar impressed upon me DTP Tools’ keen pro­gram­ming tal­ent, atten­tion to detail, and, most impor­tant­ly, their gen­uine desire to answer real world cre­ative work­flow needs. I knew they were the per­fect com­pa­ny to begin cod­ing my InDesign, QuarkXPress, Illustrator, Photoshop, and Acrobat solu­tion ideas into tan­gi­ble solutions.”

DTP Tools’ Jan Macuch said: “There can be no big­ger moti­va­tion for a soft­ware devel­op­er than to cre­ate func­tions every­body con­sid­ers impos­si­ble. When I was show­ing this plug-in to design­ers, most of them said they always want­ed such fea­ture, but didn’t want to look fool­ish ask­ing for some­thing they con­sid­ered beyond the pos­si­bil­i­ties of cur­rent applications.”

“It took 22 years, but now design­ers work­ing on pro­pos­als, reports, mag­a­zines, cat­a­logs, mar­ket­ing mate­r­i­al, and a hun­dred oth­er work­flows can final­ly pro­duce their entire project, com­plete with spread­sheets, maps, and oth­er fold­outs and odd-sized pages in a sin­gle doc­u­ment and layout–with run­ning page num­bers– with­out clum­sy and risky workarounds.” Burke added: “This is a big need–filled.”

Page Control is the first col­lab­o­ra­tion between the work­flow expert and the plug-in mak­er. The two are cur­rent­ly at work on oth­er solu­tions for InDesign, InCopy, QuarkXPress, and oth­er indus­try stan­dard cre­ative, pub­lish­ing, and pro­duc­tion tools.

Page Control Key Features

  • Resize one or every page or spread in a doc­u­ment individually.
  • Resize mas­ter pages.
  • Automatic resiz­ing of pages accord­ing to mas­ter page.
  • Custom paste­board sizes.
  • Print or export to PDF retain­ing page sizes.
  • No new palettes; Page Control’s com­mands are added to InDesign’s own Pages palette menu.

A free Page Control Reader guar­an­tees InDesign doc­u­ments con­tain­ing mul­ti­ple page sizes will be acces­si­ble to, and editable by, ser­vice providers and col­lab­o­ra­tors who do not have Page Control installed.

Pricing and Availability

Page Control is avail­able for InDesign CS and InDesign CS2 on both Windows and Macintosh OS X. A sin­gle license price is $59 USD and is avail­able for instant pur­chase and down­load from www​.dtp​tools​.com/​p​a​g​e​c​ontrol

A 14-day try-out ver­sion of Page Control is avail­able for down­load at www​.dtp​tools​.com/​p​a​g​e​c​ontrol
or at the fol­low­ing direct down­load links:
Mac try-out down­load link: http://​www​.dtp​tools​.com/​i​d​/​p​a​g​e​c​o​n​t​r​o​l​/​P​a​g​e​_​C​o​n​t​r​o​l​_​b​e​ta.zip (1,602 KB)
Windows try-out down­load link: http://​www​.dtp​tools​.com/​i​d​/​p​a​g​e​c​o​n​t​r​o​l​/​P​a​g​e​_​C​o​n​t​r​o​l​_​b​e​ta.msi (2,777 KB)

About DTP Tools

DTP Tools (http://​www​.dtp​tools​.com) is a brand of soft­ware from Goldwein Research com­pa­ny for design­ers and pub­lish­ers with a his­to­ry of cre­at­ing suc­cess­ful pro­duc­tiv­i­ty enhanc­ing plug-ins for InDesign and InCopy, Quarkxpress and FrameMaker. Our soft­ware tools are made for design­ers, pub­lish­ers, print­ers and every­one who works with print or elec­tron­ic pub­lish­ing. We com­bine the lat­est devel­op­ments in soft­ware tech­nol­o­gy with the demands of the indus­try. DTP Tools are an afford­able way to increase pro­duc­tiv­i­ty. Our tools take care of the rou­tine work leav­ing you to your creativity.

About Pariah S. Burke

A 20-year graph­ic design and pub­lish­ing vet­er­an, Pariah S. Burke is the for­mer train­er and InDesign, InCopy, and Illustrator Technical Lead to Adobe’s tech­ni­cal sup­port team. He is the author or coau­thor of three books on cre­ative soft­ware, the writer of more than 200 pub­lished arti­cles on graph­ic design and pub­lish­ing and the tools and busi­ness prac­tices of design and pub­lish­ing, and the pub­lish­er of the Web sites Quark VS InDesign​.com (http://​www​.QuarkVSInDesign​.com) and Designorati (http://​www​.Designorati​.com). In addi­tion to his writ­ing, Pariah is a work­ing graph­ic artist and work­flow effi­cien­cy con­sul­tant who trav­els around the world teach­ing and con­sult­ing on InDesign, InCopy, QuarkXPress, Illustrator, and all the mission-critical tools of the mod­ern, effi­cient cre­ative and pub­lish­ing work­flow under his WORKFLOW: Creative brand (http://​www​.work​flow​cre​ative​.com). He lives in Portland, Oregon where he is con­stant­ly seek­ing new ways to empow­er cre­ative professionals.



Jan Macuch
phone: +420.222.246.994
Goldwein Research Ltd.
33 Wenceslas Square
110 00 Prague,Czech Republic

Pariah S. Burke
phone: +1.503.422.7499

Download the Page Control, DTP Tools, and Pariah S. Burke logos. (804 kb)

Download the PDF press release. (242 KB)

11 thoughts on “DTP Tools and Pariah S. Burke Announce Page Control 1.0 Plug–in for Adobe InDesign

  1. Jean-Claude Tremblay

    This is one of the coolest plug-in I have seen for Indesign. It’s so use­full in par­tic­u­lar for Book Cover and oth­ers occas­sion where you need to have dif­fer­ents pages size in one doc­u­ment. It is nice­ly inte­grat­ed into Indesign and so far it’s work­ing as expect­ed. Pariah & DTP, thank you!

  2. Pariah S. Burke Post author

    Thank you, Jean-Claude!

    It’s still in beta, so if you have any sug­ges­tions or (gasp!) find any bugs, please let us know. We’ll be ship­ping the final release in 3 weeks.

  3. Stéphane Bergeron

    This looks like a great plu­g­in and I’ll be try­ing it tonight. I’m sure you knew that FreeHand has been doing mul­ti­ple pages of dif­fer­ent sizes and ori­en­ta­tion for years right? ;-)

    Anyway, what would be real­ly use­ful in addi­tion to some­thing like this would be a plu­g­in for either ID or Illustrator that would enable users to cre­ate real flow charts and dia­grams with real live con­nec­tor lines. 

    I’m main­ly a Web design­er and I’ve been try­ing dif­fer­ent solu­tions for cre­at­ing Web site doc­u­men­ta­tion that would enable me to keep it all in one file but I have not found any­thing quite suit­able yet. 

    If DTP Tools would be will­ing to come up with some­thing like that I’m sure it would be a hit…

  4. Don't be crazy

    The Holy Grail of layout!
    Multipule page sizes in 1 doc­u­ment, So are you say­ing QuarkXPress is the Grail and Indesign is a cup try­ing to be a grail?

  5. woz

    Look mum­my, a troll!”
    “It’s right there, in the post above mine!”
    “Oh, now I see it.
    Just ignore it and it’ll go away honey”.

  6. Don't be crazy

    Xpress has done mul­ti pages sizes in sin­gle docs, shared content,comp zones. I pre­sume you have no knowl­edge of XPress!

  7. Pariah S. Burke Post author

    The Holy Grail of layout!
    Multipule page sizes in 1 doc­u­ment, So are you say­ing QuarkXPress is the Grail and Indesign is a cup try­ing to be a grail? 

    QuarkXPress does­n’t do mul­ti­ple page sizes in a sin­gle lay­out. It does mul­ti­ple lay­outs in a sin­gle doc­u­ment, but not land­scape and por­trait or dif­fer­ent page sizes in con­tin­u­ous pages.

    If you’re a real­ly good boy, maybe I’ll build Page Control for QuarkXPress so you can do mul­ti­ple pages sizes in one layout.

  8. Pariah S. Burke Post author


    I’m very hap­py to have your input on so many top­ics, but you’re get­ting very close to qual­i­fy­ing for spam­ming this site. If you’re going to com­ment on a sub­ject, do so where it seems the most appro­pri­ate. Do not race around post­ing effec­tive­ly the same com­ment in numer­ous places, please.

    Also, if you feel so strong­ly about cer­tain top­ics, give us a name to address, please.

  9. Don't be crazy

    It’s been done, XTensions have done this for years

    I nev­er stat­ed Quark intro­duced it, just that XPress is and has been capa­ble of doing this for years, XTension develpo­ers for Xpress have done page size changes, paste board resiz­ing from 3.32.

    [I’ve con­sol­i­dat­ed your com­ments from both the beta and final release announce­ments. –Ed.]

  10. Don't be crazy

    I’m very hap­py to have your input on so many top­ics, but you’re get­ting very close to qual­i­fy­ing for spam­ming this site.”

    I find rather insult­ing as it is less than 10 com­ments only con­taing facts rel­e­vant to the pre­vi­ous com­ments made, and on the said subject.

    But as required I will refrain from com­ment­ing based on facts, and go back to read­ing more unbias fac­tu­al sites.


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