Blog Problems, MT Falling Apart

Grrr! Moveable Type, the blog soft­ware that dri­ves this blog, is falling apart. Error after error, prob­lem after prob­lem. Auto-pinging has always been an issue. Posting and com­ment­ing out of …

WordPress or MT 3?

I want things like future post­ing, some­thing I have on my pro blogs The Design Weblog and Magazine Weblog, but MT 2.6x does­n’t cur­rent­ly offer. I’ve been miss­ing so many Saturday … Over and Done With?

Does the blo­gos­phere still need a ser­vice like BlogRolling​.com?

Should it be BlogRolling​.com, or is it time for a com­peti­tor to rise up?

Now that BlogRolling​.com is owned by the not-so-cool Tucows, BR does­n’t inspire the same warm and fuzzy brand loy­al­ty as it did as a one-man oper­a­tion start­ed as a labor of love. So, does the blo­gos­phere want BR to con­tin­ue even it man­ages to get its act together?

How To Blog

Tony Pierce has a very inter­est­ing (if con­tentious) post about how to blog. Most of his list is right on the mark; some miss­es by a mile. tonypierce​.com bus­blog “ 13. if …

Save A Chat Log... Go To Prison?

SecurityFocus: Chat, Copy, Paste, Prison “ You are engaged in a chat ses­sion with some friends and col­leagues, when one of them makes a wit­ty remark or imparts a pithy bit of information. … Going Away?

Is your blog host­ed as a sub­do­main? Has your provider received a cease and desist let­ter? If so, you might find your blog tak­en offline. You may want to con­tact your provider …