Free Blog Makeover Contest - Act Now!

Win a free, pro­fes­sion­al­ly designed makeover of your blog–no strings attached! Write me an essay telling me about your cur­rent blog, the blog of your dreams, and why yours should be the blog that wins a free makeover.

Changes To This Here Blog

After a while of try­ing to fig­ure out how I want­ed it, I final­ly did some­thing use­ful with cat­e­gories today. As you can see in the sec­ondary and ter­cia­ry nav­i­ga­tion links at left …

How Spam Can Happen

This is how a sin­gle lapse in e‑mail address dil­li­gence two years ago can result in an ongo­ing flood of hun­dreds of spam mes­sages per week. As you know my sys­tem was …

Shortcut To Change Search Bar

Recently I received the below ques­tion from a read­er. I answered the read­er, but I thought I would also share the answer with any­one else who might be curi­ous. “ nice site. I’ve bor­rowed your …

Portfolio Expanded

Portfolio Sample I’ve updat­ed and expand­ed my online Portfolio to include over a dozen new items in the areas of Web Design, Web & Flash Design, Promotional, Advertising, Magazine Layout, Magazine Makeover, …

New Tools On This Blog

Subscribe to com­ments on my blog! Perform push-button for­mat­ting on your com­ments (and new posts even)! I’m very excit­ed (but incred­i­bly weary) after build­ing into this here blog some new and …