"The Lost Boys'' 2-Disc Special Edition DVD

For your con­sump­tion: “ Warner Home Video Gives New Life to the Undead on August 10 With More Than Two Hours of Bonus Features Including Never-Before-Seen Deleted Scenes, New Documentary, …

Adobe's Microsoft Strategy

Adobe’s Microsoft Strategy – The Design Weblog – design​.weblogsinc​.com “ In case any­one for­got, Chizen runs down the the Adobe vs. Microsoft score card. At this point in the game …

Nortel The Next Enron?

Excite Money & Investing “ TORONTO (Reuters) – Nortel Networks Corp. (NT) (NT) fired its top three exec­u­tives on Wednesday and said account­ing prob­lems already under inves­ti­ga­tion by reg­u­la­tors ran deeper …

An Olive Branch To Jamie Leigh

Thursday, short­ly after post­ing Ban Jamie Leigh From Blogs, I received a nasty e‑mail from Miss Leigh. It was dis­joint­ed and dis­or­ga­nized, con­tained sev­er­al junior high lev­el attempts at per­son­al attack, made …

Ban Jamie Leigh From Blogs

I call upon the blo­gos­phere to ban Jamie Leigh from blogs. Report her to MT-Blacklist so that her URL, jamieleigh​.net, and her name are banned from com­ment­ing on MT blogs. …

Save A Chat Log... Go To Prison?

SecurityFocus: Chat, Copy, Paste, Prison “ You are engaged in a chat ses­sion with some friends and col­leagues, when one of them makes a wit­ty remark or imparts a pithy bit of information. …