National Chains Shave Employees' Hours, Wages

From the New York Times: Altering of Worker Time Cards Spurs Growing Number of Suits “ Experts on com­pen­sa­tion say that the ille­gal doc­tor­ing of hourly employ­ees’ time records is far more … Going Away?

Is your blog host­ed as a sub­do­main? Has your provider received a cease and desist let­ter? If so, you might find your blog tak­en offline. You may want to con­tact your provider …

St. Patrick's Day Facts

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Here are some inter­est­ing facts about this emer­ald hol­i­day, cour­tesy of Finnegans Rainbow St Patricks Day Facts “ Saint Patrick was not actu­al­ly Irish. “Erin Go Braugh” means …

The Man Who Loved Spam

One man’s trash… WSJ​.com – For Orlando Soto, No Day Is Complete Without Some Spam “ Mr. Soto rou­tine­ly comes home to some 150 e‑mail pitch­es, and he loves get­ting them all. …

Fighting Blog Spam

Spam in my mail­box? I can­not utter enough exple­tives to describe the depth of my revul­sion for spam. Spam on my blog? Sailors, cov­er your ears. Fighting spam is a pain in the …

Family As Clients, A Bad Idea

Recently a fam­i­ly mem­ber asked for help with a design project. I agreed, but it brought back to mind the last time I worked for fam­i­ly. I’ll share it. A few years ago my uncle …