Giant Black Hole Rips Star Apart

Wow. All I can say is a stunned “wow”. Chandra :: Photo Album :: RX J1242-11 :: 18 Feb 04 Illustratoin of star being ripped apart by giant black hole. 

Physics of Comic Books Taught At UMinn

Uncanny physics of com­ic book super­heroes “ Can you teach a physics class with only com­ic books to illus­trate the prin­ci­ples? University of Minnesota physics pro­fes­sor James Kakalios has been doing …

Today Started A New Gig

Today I start­ed a new con­sult­ing gig train­ing in Quark. It’s a lot of fun. It’s also prof­itable, but the fun is the main draw for me. The gig should last about two weeks. …

Job Posting: Kissing Ass

I found the below in a pub­licly post­ed job open­ing. Its good to know exact­ly what you want in an employ­ee. “ If you have expe­ri­ence in the print­ing, copy­ing and/or …

Response to "The Gay Marriage Thing"

Pagans (from what I am told) don’t get mar­ried, they get hand fast­ed. Is hand fast­ing even valid accord­ing to the state/courts? ” No, it’s not legal in and of …

Must Read: World of Ends

I don’t say “must read” very often in any context–much less to the diverse read­er­ship of my blog. This time, how­ev­er, I say it. You must read the below web page. World …

Free Blog Makeover Contest - Act Now!

Win a free, pro­fes­sion­al­ly designed makeover of your blog–no strings attached! Write me an essay telling me about your cur­rent blog, the blog of your dreams, and why yours should be the blog that wins a free makeover.

From the Pointlessly Extravagant File, #32

Oh. My. God. What a shame­less­ly point­less extrav­a­gance. Moreover, what a naked ploy for men’s mon­ey. Photo by eWeek My Love Affair with Acer’s Ferrari Notebook “ Every oth­er note­book I have ever had pales …

Carlie Brucia's Body Found

CNN​.com – Carlie Brucia’s body found; mur­der charges filed – Feb. 6, 2004 God damn it! I wish they had found her alive. Eleven years old… We have an eight and a six year …