"Queer Eye" Picked My Computer

A Queer Eye for the Straight PC? According to an e‑mail I got from some­one ref­er­enc­ing my post Computer Meltdown (restora­tion): “ BTW, your new com­put­er looks like ‘Queer Eye’ picked it out. …

Computer Meltdown (restoration)

My new com­put­er (front) As you might know by now that I like build­ing my own com­put­er and cus­tomiz­ing it as per my require­ments rather than buy­ing one of a rack. I am …

New Super Hero Movies & Catwoman (The Slut)

Halle Berry’s her slut­ty Catwoman cos­tume. SuperHeroHype​.com has tons of hype and news on a slew of super hero movies in pro­duc­tion or pre-production. Along with the obvi­ous X‑Men 3, Spider-Man …

Changes To This Here Blog

After a while of try­ing to fig­ure out how I want­ed it, I final­ly did some­thing use­ful with cat­e­gories today. As you can see in the sec­ondary and ter­cia­ry nav­i­ga­tion links at left …

Skin: ImaginationBox for Sysmetrix

I post­ed a new SysMetrix skin to WinCustomize. The skin is part of a suite of skins I’m build­ing for DesktopX, WindowBlinds, Quintessential CD Player (“QCD”), CursorXP, Bootskin, and prob­a­bly IconPackager. The …

How Spam Can Happen

This is how a sin­gle lapse in e‑mail address dil­li­gence two years ago can result in an ongo­ing flood of hun­dreds of spam mes­sages per week. As you know my sys­tem was …

Undeletable File Deleted

Every morn­ing for the last two weeks I’ve been dis­tressed to find my pri­ma­ry Windows XP sys­tem blue screened when I walk into my home office. The prob­lem, I dis­cov­ered pret­ty quickly, …