Life Cycle of DTP

PageMaker, a true piece of his­to­ry, birthed the Desktop Publishing Revolution, lead­ing it through its infan­cy. Quark was the adoles­ence of the bur­geon­ing Desktop Publishing indus­try, rebel­lious and impetu­ous. InDesign is …

Microsoft Fires Mac Fan For Blog Photo

Once again, be care­ful what you blog. The most innocu­ous thing may get you fired, just like Michael Hanscom of Seattle, WA, recent­ly ter­mi­nat­ed by Microsoft for men­tion­ing that MSCopy …

Server Issues Resolved

I’ve worked out and resolved the MySQL serv­er issue that kept my blog sedan­tary through­out this past week­end. كازينو كروز Give me a lit­tle time and I’ll have respond­ed to every­one’s …

Plan To Reduce Spam: Tip

I got this e‑mail from Arianna at http://​blog​.real​i​ty​crutch​.com/ about my Plan To Reduce Spam: “ Hi I liked your spam plan, I’ve been doing what I can but did­n’t think of keying …

Shortcut To Change Search Bar

Recently I received the below ques­tion from a read­er. I answered the read­er, but I thought I would also share the answer with any­one else who might be curi­ous. “ nice site. I’ve bor­rowed your …

Portfolio Expanded

Portfolio Sample I’ve updat­ed and expand­ed my online Portfolio to include over a dozen new items in the areas of Web Design, Web & Flash Design, Promotional, Advertising, Magazine Layout, Magazine Makeover, …

I Made Dis (for SysMetrix)

ONW skin for SysMetrix I made dis skin (actu­al­ly two), On Night’s Wings ver­sions 1 and 2 for SysMetrix. Over 300 down­loads in 48 hours. Version 1 Version 2

AOL Blocks Links From LiveJournal

Slashdot | AOL Blocks Links from LiveJournal “ Last week, AOL began block­ing all HTTP requests with ‘www​.live​jour​nal​.com’ Referer head­ers. This is a com­mon prac­tice by image host­ing sites to prevent …

Bruce Chizen for Gov of Cali

Is it too late to nom­i­nate Bruce Chizen for California Governor? To para­phrase Jack Kennedy, “A PDF on every web­site, and PostScript in every printer.”