Fourth Crow Movie In Post Production

A Boy and His Bird News reports updates on the fourth The Crow movie, star­ring David Boreanaz (“Angel”, “Buffy, The Vampire Slayer”), Tara Reed (My Boss’s Daughter), and David Ortiz …

Miramax: Unfair Telling Friends Movie Stinks

I’m very inter­est­ed in, and more than a lit­tle amused by, Hollywood’s sud­den dis­il­lus­sion­ment. Read the arti­cle (I’ve quot­ed the entire thing in Continued) and you’ll see the whin­ing of Hollywood …

Shopping For Cell Service

After an expe­ri­ence ear­li­er this week with T‑Mobile (for­mer­ly VoiceStream) Customer Service that still has be too incensed to ratio­nal­ly dis­cuss it, I’m shop­ping for new wire­less ser­vice. I refuse to …

Welcome To Adobe GoLive

For the love of mike, folks, change the damn title! The below link will run a Google search for the phrase “wel­come to Adobe GoLive”. It will give you more than …

New Tools On This Blog

Subscribe to com­ments on my blog! Perform push-button for­mat­ting on your com­ments (and new posts even)! I’m very excit­ed (but incred­i­bly weary) after build­ing into this here blog some new and …

Piece of Web History

This seems so far away now, almost as far away as the inven­tion of the print­ing press. I’m nos­tal­gic and hum­bled at the same time. WWW-Talk Jan-Mar 1993: pro­posed new tag: IMG

Metallica Sue Over E, F Chords

MTV​.com – News – Metallica Sue Canadian Band over E, F Chords Metallica is such a pompous, self-important, power-mad band. Maybe if they put half as much ener­gy into their bom­bas­tic, overblown, …

Defacement Challenge... Anyone Hit?

Anyone hit by the web van­dal­ism con­test? From Web van­dal­ism con­test results unclear | CNET News​.com: “ While some 500 Internet address­es cor­re­spond­ing to defaced Web sites were sub­mit­ted to …