Blogs Could Be Targets

I think blogs will be a pret­ty big tar­get… “ CNN​.com – Will hack­ers attack 6,000 Web sites in 6 hours on July 6? – Jul. 3, 2003 WASHINGTON (AP) – The government …

Weapons of Mass Destruction, Google Style

Trust me for a minute. Follow these steps: Goto Google In the search blank type, with­out quotes: “weapons of mass destruc­tion” Don’t hit “Google Search.” Instead, press “I’m Feeling Lucky” Read. Laugh. Hit me with a trackback ;-) 

Going (Ding)Bat-ty

From here, kadyelle­bee: “fonty­ness” June 28, 2003, I wound up fol­low­ing a trail that led me to an incred­i­ble ding­bat and fleu­ron resource here: FontGarden Dingbats. Sample from’s ding­bats Most of …

It's The Little Things (Echo)

In the replies to last week’s Saturday Slant Jewdez men­tioned the fact that, in the screen shot of My Current Desktop, my taskbar replace­ment is shown to have a min­i­mized browser …

MP3s Here, MP3s There, MP3s Everywhere!

I dis­cov­ered today that I have over 5,000 MP3s–27 Gigabytes!–spread across three hard­drives. Enough is enough. I’m pos­i­tive that a fair por­tion of them are dupli­cates. But how am I to tell without …

Office Space Soundboard

The peo­ple I work with wor­ship the film Office Space. They seem­ing­ly nev­er tire of quot­ing Gary Cole’s man­ag­er char­ac­ter. In their hon­or I post this, Office Space Soundboard, as found through …