A Newsletter Designer Looks at InCopy CS2

Adobe’s InCopy promis­es ben­e­fits from increased col­lab­o­ra­tion, with Adobe’s famed inte­gra­tion with InDesign CS2, for editorial/creative lay­out work­flows as a stand-alone appli­ca­tion for work­groups of 2–12 mem­bers. Does it deliv­er? Associate Editor Sam Klein gives it the acid test, finds the benefits.

InCopy CS2, the World; World, InCopy CS2

Go in deep for a long over­due exam­i­na­tion of InCopy, the fea­tures new to ver­sion CS2, how InCopy cut one major pub­lish­er’s 60-day book pro­duc­tion sched­ule down to 9 days, and how it will save you time, man-power, and mon­ey over Microsoft Word in a col­lab­o­ra­tive cre­ative and edi­to­r­i­al workflow.

Adobe InDesign Server CS2 Debuts Today

New serv­er ver­sion of InDesign enables automa­tion of high-end edi­to­r­i­al work­flows, col­lat­er­al cre­ation, data-driven pub­lish­ing, and template-based web pub­lish­ing. This morn­ing Adobe Systems Incorporated will intro­duce InDesign Server CS2 at …

It's A Go!

U.S. Department of Justice gives the all clear to Adobe-Macromedia merg­er. DOJ stamp of approval leaves few obsta­cles to merg­er. In a joint press released issued late this after­noon, Adobe Systems …

Special Report: InCopy CS2: In Production

A spe­cial six-part series intro­duces InCopy CS2, reviews the fea­tures and lim­i­ta­tions to the InDesign/InCopy work­flow, and explains why design and edi­to­r­i­al both need to use InCopy CS2–beginning yes­ter­day. The …