Confident in Your Content?

In the dig­i­tal work­flow for print and mul­ti­me­dia, graph­ic artist must think beyond design aes­thet­ics and accept some of the respon­si­bil­i­ty that pre­press sup­pli­ers once held by Gretchen A. Peck If …

Review: QuarkXPress to InDesign: Face to Face

Task-based switch­er ref­er­ence puts every dif­fer­ence face-to-face Indispensable switch­er ref­er­ence. “Where do I set runaround,” is an oft-heard ques­tion if you spend any time around Quark-to-InDesign switch­ers. “Where are my gradient …

More Free Software

While you’re wait­ing for our Quark con­test to decide who gets shiny new copies of QuarkXPress 6.5, head on over to CreativePro​.com, where this week’s give­away is also a copy of …

FotoFriday Week 11

Every fri­day down­load a new, royalty-free, high-resolution stock pho­to in JPG and JPEG200 for­mats, com­plete with clip­ping path and alpha chan­nel. Download (2.7 MB ZIP) Past FotoFridays How To Use JPF Files From Quark …

Adobe Creative Suite 2 Now Shipping

Adobe Photoshop CS2, InDesign CS2, Illustrator CS2, GoLive CS2 and InCopy CS2 Also Available Today Press Release SAN JOSE, Calif. — April 27, 2005 — Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today …

One Week To Deadline

Only one week left to sub­mit your win­ning post­card designs to either or both of the “Celebrate InDesign Post Competition” and “Celebrate QuarkXPress Post Competition”! We’ve got­ten some great entries …

Tune In To Quark Sweepstakes

Answer a Quark mar­ket sur­vey for a chance to win an iPod Mini. ‘Tis (appar­ent­ly) the sea­son of com­pe­ti­tions, sweep­stakes, and giv­ing away cool stuff. Quark is ask­ing for the …

FotoFriday Week 10

Every fri­day down­load a new, royalty-free, high-resolution stock pho­to in JPG and JPEG200 for­mats, com­plete with clip­ping path and alpha chan­nel. Download (2 MB ZIP) Past FotoFridays How To Use JPF Files From Quark …