Free X-Rays

2,000 free X‑Rays for Quark VS InDesign​.com read­ers. Free X‑Rays Our friends at X‑Ray Magazine are giv­ing 2,000 print­ed copies of X‑Ray’s first issue in sev­en years exclu­sive­ly to readers …

Adobe to Acquire Macromedia

Combined Company to Deliver Industry-Defining Technology Platform for Rich, Interactive Content Press Release Adobe to acquire arch rival and web devel­ope­ment soft­ware leader Macromedia SAN JOSE, Calif. — April 18, …

FotoFriday Week 9

Every fri­day down­load a new, royalty-free, high-resolution stock pho­to in JPG and JPEG200 for­mats, com­plete with clip­ping path and alpha chan­nel. Download (2 MB ZIP) Past FotoFridays How To Use JPF Files From Quark …

Design Competition Prize Chests Growing

New addi­tions raise con­tests’ prize chest to $15,500 in prod­ucts and ser­vices On Monday we announced twin post­card design com­pe­ti­tions cel­e­brat­ing both QuarkXPress and InDesign. At that time, we had …

Celebrate InDesign Postcard Competition

Contest Has Ended Everyone knows that the last time post­cards were used to pro­mote soft­ware they weren’t exact­ly a stun­ning suc­cess. Quark VS InDesign​.com thinks you can do bet­ter. At least, that’s what we keep telling every­one. If you can prove us right, your work might be fea­tured on Quark VS InDesign​.com and you could win your share of US$15,500 (approx­i­mate val­ue) worth of some seri­ous­ly cool stuff.

Celebrate QuarkXPress Postcard Competition

Contest Has Ended Everyone knows that the last time post­cards were used to pro­mote soft­ware they weren’t exact­ly a stun­ning suc­cess. Quark VS InDesign​.com thinks you can do bet­ter. At least, that’s what we keep telling every­one. If you can prove us right, your work might be fea­tured on Quark VS InDesign​.com and you could win your share of US$15,500 (approx­i­mate val­ue) worth of some seri­ous­ly cool stuff.

FotoFriday Week 8

Every fri­day down­load a new, royalty-free, high-resolution stock pho­to in JPG and JPEG200 for­mats, com­plete with clip­ping path and alpha chan­nel. Download (2 MB ZIP) Past FotoFridays How To Use JPF Files From Quark …