BBC Magazines Migrates to Adobe InDesign

Press Release SAN JOSE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Aug. 31, 2004–Adobe Systems Incorporated today announced that BBC Magazines has adopt­ed Adobe InDesign, Adobe’s award-winning lay­out and design soft­ware, to pro­duce its port­fo­lio of …

QPS Arrives for QuarkXPress 6 and Mac OS X

Press Release QuarkDispatch Server Certified to Run on Xserve G5 PARIS–(THE DESIGN WEBLOG)–Aug. 31, 2004–Quark Inc. today announced the release of Quark Publishing System 3 Classic Edition (QPS Classic 3), the …

Quark Expanding Efforts in Europe, Customer Relations

Press Release PARIS–(THE DESIGN WEBLOG)–31 August, 2004–Since his appoint­ment as pres­i­dent and CEO of Quark Inc. in January, Kamar Aulakh has helped Quark imple­ment a series of actions to demon­strate the …

Quark Customers Help Redesign QuarkStore

Press Release Quark Customers Help Redesign QuarkStore for Improved Online Shopping Experience DENVER–(THE DESIGN WEBLOG)–31 August, 2004–Feedback from Quark cus­tomers guid­ed Quark“s redesign of its online shop­ping site, QuarkStore, which …

Quark Joins NGP To Optimize Print Workflows

Press Release DENVER–July 27, 2004–Quark announced today its mem­ber­ship in Networked Graphic Production (NGP), an ini­tia­tive of lead­ing print indus­try ven­dors com­mit­ted to work­ing togeth­er to deliv­er seam­less­ly inte­grat­ed solutions …

QuarkXPress 7 & Highlights From Quark Summit

Highlights from Craig Cline’s cov­er­age of the recent high-altitude Quark Summit, held at 9,700 ft above sea lev­el for large Quark cus­tomers. Among the more than 300 atten­dees were QuarkAlliance partners, …

Family As Clients, A Bad Idea

Recently a fam­i­ly mem­ber asked for help with a design project. I agreed, but it brought back to mind the last time I worked for fam­i­ly. I’ll share it. A few years ago my uncle …