Quark Joins NGP To Optimize Print Workflows

Press Release DENVER–July 27, 2004–Quark announced today its mem­ber­ship in Networked Graphic Production (NGP), an ini­tia­tive of lead­ing print indus­try ven­dors com­mit­ted to work­ing togeth­er to deliv­er seam­less­ly inte­grat­ed solutions …

Quark: Educational Promotion for QuarkXPress

Announced at the same time as its new­ly free Dual Licensing, Quark launched a spe­cial pro­mo­tion for edu­ca­tors and stu­dents. The pro­mo­tion will allow edu­ca­tion­al users to pur­chase QuarkXPress 6 soft­ware with …

Spider-Man India

Spider-Man India Costume Design Press Releases – Gotham Comics SPIDER-MAN INDIA–SPIDER-MAN EXTENDS FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD TO STREETS OF BOMBAY! Bangalore, India (June 14, 2004)–Marvel Comics & Gotham Entertainment Group–Indian pub­lish­ing licensee of …

QuarkXPress 7 & Highlights From Quark Summit

Highlights from Craig Cline’s cov­er­age of the recent high-altitude Quark Summit, held at 9,700 ft above sea lev­el for large Quark cus­tomers. Among the more than 300 atten­dees were QuarkAlliance partners, …

Fear Grips Blogs: Copyright Infringement

I think this issue is being tak­en a lit­tle too seri­ous­ly and literally–especially by the com­men­tors on Calacanis’s orig­i­nal post–because of one arti­cle, which was writ­ten in ear­ly 2002 if you …

Interview: David Blatner

Mr. QuarkXPress turned Mr. InDesign, David Blatner is an inter­est­ing fel­low. The QuarkVSInDesign​.com exclu­sive inter­view with David Blatner. David Blatner In addi­tion to writ­ing arti­cles and opin­ions on every­thing from …

Dear Maury, My Google Page Rank Is Too High

The les­son here is that, for now, blog­gers should be care­ful about the titles of their posts less they get too high a Google page rank­ing. I say “for now” because, before too long, the porn sites will fig­ure out this lit­tle trick and stuff their pages with ref­er­ences to “Survivor,” “The Apprentice,” Mark Cuban‘s “The Benefactor,” and, of course, the “Maury Show,” thus knock­ing us hap­p­less blog­gers so far down Google’s rank­ing that mis­di­rect­ed Dear Maury mail will no longer be an issue.

Blogging Is My Business. Business Is Good.

Though I haven’t real­ly a point or argu­ment to make, I’m pass­ing this along as more of an FYI. Blogging is a new art form, and it’s a new a busi­ness form. Blogs are becom­ing commercial, …

Color Scheme Tool Accounts For Color Blindness

Color Scheme by Pixy Cruising Toni Allen’s design post archives I found this post, Comprehensive Color Tool, which links to Color Scheme by Pixy. Color Scheme is a free, web-based col­or scheme tool …

My New Project: The Magazine Design Blog

The Magazine Design Weblog After weeks of plan­ning, my new project, the Magazine Design Weblog, Weblogs, Inc.‘s newest com­mer­cial blog, is live as of 9:00 PT this morn­ing. I’m very …