Putting 40,000 Readers, One by One, on a Cover

Variable Data Publishing (VDP) proof-of-concept puts a satel­lite pho­to of all 40,000 sub­scribers’ neigh­bor­hood on their indi­vid­ual copies of Reason mag­a­zine. The New York Times is car­ry­ing a sto­ry about Reason, …

Life Cycle of DTP

PageMaker, a true piece of his­to­ry, birthed the Desktop Publishing Revolution, lead­ing it through its infan­cy. Quark was the adoles­ence of the bur­geon­ing Desktop Publishing indus­try, rebel­lious and impetu­ous. InDesign is …

Still Laughing At Quark

I’m still laugh­ing at Quark 6. I’ve seen it. I’ve played with it. It looks nice Cocoa-ized (mean­ing it runs under, and looks like, a native Mac OS X envi­ron­ment), but it’s …

Quark Is Dying. Here's Why

I orig­i­nal­ly start­ed this as a response to Blind Energy’s com­ment on my ear­li­er post Quark: Adobe’s Best Friend. I’m very pas­sion­ate about this topic–if you had to use Quark and/or …

Quark: Adobe's Best Friend

Never before have I wit­nessed a com­pa­ny so cre­ative­ly adver­tis­ing the supe­ri­or­i­ty of a prod­uct or com­pa­ny as I have Quark, Inc.‘s efforts toward pro­mot­ing InDesign and Adobe. MacEdition: “ Publishing pro­fes­sion­als who attend­ed a Quark-convened …