InDesign to iPad: Digital Magazine Design & Deployment, Start to Finish

A Master Class inten­sive 2‑day sem­i­nar using InDesign, Adobe Digital Publishing Suite, Aquafadas, and more to go from blank page through to pro­duc­ing a pol­ished inter­ac­tive dig­i­tal mag­a­zine run­ning on the iPad. The same pub­li­ca­tion will also run on Android-based tablets like the Samsung Galaxy Tab, the Motorola Xoom, and oth­er tablets. This course teach­es afford­able dig­i­tal magazine/catalog pro­duc­tion, not only Adobe’s $495 month­ly option.

Announcing the ePublishing Workflow Webinar

2‑Day course about design­ing, devel­op­ing, deploy­ing, and mar­ket­ing eBooks, e‑Magazines, e‑Catalogs, and more in ePUB, MOBI, PDF, and oth­er for­mats, pre­sent­ed by pub­lish­ing and work­flow experts Pariah Burke, Sally Cox, and Steve Dolan.