ePublishing with InDesign CS6

This book walks you through the entire process of build­ing a pro­fes­sion­al, for-profit dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing work­flow: plan­ning, adding mul­ti­me­dia and inter­ac­tiv­i­ty, and pub­lish­ing using InDesign. In no time, you’ll be cre­at­ing ebooks, media-rich ebooks, emagazines, ecat­a­logs, tablet dig­i­tal mag­a­zines, and more!

InDesign to ePUB: Converting Print Books to eBooks

This focused course is for those already work­ing in print pub­lish­ing and need to incor­po­rate epub­lish­ing into the work­flow. You will learn not only how to cre­ate new ePUB ebooks but also how to con­vert your exist­ing print pub­li­ca­tions to ebook, all while using your actu­al pub­li­ca­tions and assets rather than some arbi­trary “exer­cise files.”

Secret Functions of Adobe Acrobat Pro X

We all use PDFs and Adobe Acrobat on a reg­u­lar basis–the mod­ern world could­n’t func­tion with­out PDFs. Still, despite the con­stant use, there are many fea­tures and almost mys­ti­cal pow­ers with­in Acrobat Pro that even the most expe­ri­enced users don’t know about. In this 2‑hour ses­sion we’ll explore those hid­den gems and what they can do in the real world for you and your work.

Mastering InDesign CS5 for Print Design & Production

Pariah Burke’s expla­na­tions of the points he is mak­ing is very clear and under­stand­able. I would rec­om­mend it to any­one that wants to mas­ter InDesign for an effi­cient work­flow. This is def­i­nite­ly a book that will stay on my shelf as a ref­er­ence after I’m done read­ing it.” —J. Hinds

ePublishing Workflow Webinar

The Digital Publishing mar­ket is explod­ing, so it’s now more impor­tant than ever to learn how to cre­ate e‑books, e‑magazines, e‑catalogs, and more. The ePublishing Workflow Webinar will give you the skills you need to stay rel­e­vant and on top of this sec­ond dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing revolution.