Qatari Daily Goes Quark

Middle-eastern dai­ly news­pa­per opts for XPress 6.5/Arabic XT solu­tion On 13 November 2005 the online news source AMEInfo​.com announced that the Qatari dai­ly news­pa­per Al Watan, esti­mat­ed cir­cu­la­tion 18,000*, would …

A Newsletter Designer Looks at InCopy CS2

Adobe’s InCopy promis­es ben­e­fits from increased col­lab­o­ra­tion, with Adobe’s famed inte­gra­tion with InDesign CS2, for editorial/creative lay­out work­flows as a stand-alone appli­ca­tion for work­groups of 2–12 mem­bers. Does it deliv­er? Associate Editor Sam Klein gives it the acid test, finds the benefits.