Select Color Range Preview Toggle

In Photoshop, Select > Color Range allows you to cre­ate a selec­tion based on sam­pled col­ors. In the Color Range win­dow you see a greyscale pre­view indi­cat­ing the lev­el of selection–which is …

Change the Preview Background Color

Not a fan of the light gray pre­view back­ground? Change it! On the Guides & Pasteboard pane of the InDesign Preferences the last drop­down menu in Color sets the back­ground col­or when …

Cisco Sues to Block Apple Use of iPhone Name

Tuesday Apple announced its iPhone iPod / cel­lu­lar phone hybrid, but Cisco, own­er of the iPhone trade­mark, alleges Apple did­n’t have the right do so, and has filed an injunc­tion seek­ing to bar the Cupertino-based iPod inno­va­tor to cease call­ing its yet to be released device the iPhone.

Macworld Expo Attendees Want Less Buggy Software

Data col­lect­ed in Extensis booth (#826) shows near­ly half of vis­i­tors feel that tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­nies should offer more sta­ble prod­ucts and that a major­i­ty of atten­dees are hold­ing off on tech­nol­o­gy pur­chas­es for CS3 availability.

Apple Reinvents the Phone with iPhone

Apple today intro­duced iPhone, com­bin­ing three products–a rev­o­lu­tion­ary mobile phone, a widescreen iPod with touch con­trols, and a break­through Internet com­mu­ni­ca­tions device with desktop-class email, web brows­ing, search­ing and maps–into one small and light­weight hand­held device.