Undo Linking and Unlinking

Between QuarkXPress 6 and 7, numer­ous improve­ments were made over pre­vi­ous ver­sions. Some, like the inno­va­tion of projects, OpenType sup­port, and, of course, trans­paren­cy, are huge. Others are more sub­tle, like …

InPreflight for Adobe InDesign Release

PRESS RELEASE Toronto (ON), Canada–NOVEMBER 20, 2006–Zevrix Solutions today announced the release of InPreflight, a com­pre­hen­sive qual­i­ty con­trol solu­tion for Adobe InDesign that will let users quick­ly and eas­i­ly locate potential …

Quick Typeface Changes

When you first show the Character palette, the Font Family field is select­ed, with its con­tents high­light­ed. This makes for a light­ning quick way of chang­ing typefaces–press CMD+T/CTRL+T to show the …

Hanging Punctuation in InDesign

When try­ing to achieve a clean edge on the type in your para­graph, one must push the open­ing punc­tu­a­tion (typ­i­cal­ly an open-quote) beyond the ver­ti­cal visu­al line of alignment–make the puncutuation …

Asymmetrical Column Guides

When you cre­ate col­umn guides in either the New Document or Margins and Columns dialogs, InDesign even­ly dis­trib­utes the columns between the left and right or inside and out­side margins, …

Too Many Acrobat Windows

Like Microsoft Word, Acrobat likes to cre­ate a new win­dow instance and taskbar entry for every doc­u­ment opened. This is no big deal while read­ing a sin­gle PDF, but if you typically …