Adobe Photoshop CS3 Goes Public (Beta)

The past nine months have seen an unprece­dent­ed lev­el of dis­clo­sure from Adobe Systems, Inc. first with com­mit­ting to a firm release date, sneak­ing a look at InDesign CS3, and today with the announce­ment of Photoshop CS3 as a pub­lic beta–the first in Adobe’s history.

CS3 Ship Date Slips?

According to a Reuters news bul­letin pub­lished moments ago, Adobe CEO Bruce Chizen refined his March 2006 promise to ship Creative Suite 3 in the 2nd Quarter of 2007. Despite con­flict­ing announcements …

Ugh! I Should Have Done That on a Master Page!

One of the real­ly nice things about InDesign is its lib­er­al pol­i­cy of undo/redo. It invites exper­i­men­ta­tion. Ever exper­i­ment your­self into wish­ing you’d start­ed on a mas­ter page instead of a document …

Stop Runaround by Layers

When runaround is set on box­es, it will, by default, push around over­lap­ping text on any lay­ers below the cur­rent. Often, that’s the way we want it. However, lay­ers have …

Combine Multiple InDesign Documents

A fre­quent ques­tion is: How do I import or place one InDesign doc­u­ment into anoth­er to com­bine them? Excellent ques­tion, but you don’t start from import or place. Open both the source and …

Layer Blending Mode Shortcut

Changing lay­er blend­ing modes is com­mon. So com­mon, in fact, that there’s a short­cut to jump straight to it from your key­board. SHIFT++ (plus) Where ever you are in your document, …

Parentheses! In the Font Size Field?

Have you ever seen two val­ues in the Font Size field–one embraced by paren­the­ses? It could read some­thing like “50 pt(24.85)”. If you haven’t yet noticed such an unex­pect­ed thing, you …

Hanging Punctuation in QuarkXPress

Hanging punctuation–the prac­tice of let­ting open­ing punc­tu­a­tion “hang out” beyond the visu­al edge of a block of text which actu­al­ly rein­forces that edge–is not some­thing that’s auto­mat­ic in QuarkXPress: it takes …