New pdfToolbox2 Plug-Ins for Adobe Acrobat 8

pdfColorConvert, pdfCorrect, and pdfLayerMaker – well-known and estab­lished PDF tools by callas soft­ware for pro­fes­sion­al colour con­ver­sion, the cor­rec­tion of typ­i­cal sources of print­ing errors, the cre­ation of lay­ers, and the opti­miza­tion of PDF files – are now avail­able for Adobe Acrobat Standard and Professional Version 8.

Rapidly Apply Sampled Colors

Everyone knows that the Eyedropper Tool picks up or sam­ples col­or, but did you also know it will apply col­or? With the Eyedropper Tool select­ed, hold OPT/ALT, and click on …

Drop Caps in QuarkXPress

Styling drop caps for your intro­duc­to­ry para­graphs using QuarkXPress is straight­for­ward; the trick here is know­ing where to find the place where it’s spe­fi­cied. As it hap­pens, it’s in the …