InDesign Conference Master Class 2006

Join me along with a who’s‑who of InDesign gurus includ­ing, David Blatner, Diane Burns, Sandee Cohen, Anne-Marie Concepcion, Chris Converse, Kacey Crouch, Rufus Deuchler, Olav Martin Kvern, Deke McClelland, Claudia McCue, …

Drag Scale Type ala Illustrator

Scaling type hor­i­zon­tal­ly with the appro­pri­ate field on the Character or Control palettes is easy and pre­cise, but not nec­es­sar­i­ly ide­al when try­ing to scale to fit a par­tic­u­lar space or …

Drop Caps in InDesign

Drop caps–those big, attention-getting glyphs that arrest the eye and bring it right into the begin­ning of your story–are a quick and sim­ple thing to achieve in InDesign. The drop caps …


Masking–selecting parts of an image to iso­late changes–is a con­stant part of any Photoshop work. We select with the Marquee Tool, the Magic Wand Tool, quick mask mode, the Select Color …

Tab Leaders in QuarkXPress

Tab leaders–the lines of filler char­ac­ters in print­ed lists and tables of con­tents that con­nect the aligned con­tent on one side to the aligned con­tent on the other–are eas­i­ly obtainable …

On the Fly Layer Thumbnail Resizing

Photoshop pros dif­fer in their choice of thumb­nail size on the Layers, Paths, and Channels palettes. Some usu­al­ly run with small thumb­nails, some with none, oth­ers with medi­um or large. …