Appearance Drag Apply

Want to quick­ly copy an appear­ance, no mat­ter how com­pli­cat­ed, from one object to oth­ers? Select the source object, the one with the appear­ance you want to share with the …

Enfocus Products to Support Adobe Acrobat 8

PRESS RELEASE Enfocus, an Artwork Systems brand, is ready­ing its Adobe Acrobat 8 com­pat­i­ble ver­sions of its full prod­uct line, includ­ing the indus­try’s most pop­u­lar PDF plug-in, PitStop Professional. Though the …

Quark launches QuarkXPress Server 7

PRESS RELEASE Quark takes dynam­ic pub­lish­ing to a new lev­el with on-demand cre­ative com­mu­ni­ca­tions Chicago (Graph Expo) – October 16, 2006 – Quark Inc. announced today the launch of QuarkXPress Server …

Guides Help Find the Center of an Image

Once in a while it’s use­ful to find the cen­ter of a Photoshop document–either the hor­i­zon­tal cen­ter, ver­ti­cal cen­ter, or both. While you could Select All, get the dimen­sions from the Info …

Reset Preferences

InDesign crash­ing? Menus and palettes blank or out of sorts? Other strange flut­ter­ings from the but­ter­fly? You might have cor­rupt­ed pref­er­ences. Reset them. Just press CMD+OPT+SHIFT (CTRL+ALT+SHIFT) while launch­ing InDesign (or …

Phantom Missing Fonts

If you’ve ever been greet­ed by the Missing Fonts dia­log upon open­ing a QuarkXPress doc­u­ment and been unable to find where the miss­ing fonts are used, this tip is for you. Along …