InDesign Conference Launches Podcast

This week BarryCon, the orga­niz­er of the Creative Suite Conferences and the InDesign Conferences, debuted a free video pod­cast. The open­ing round is a tuto­r­i­al from Sandee Cohen, aka VectorBabe, and its guar­an­teed to make you ooh and ahh.

Fixing Ruler Offset

Changing the doc­u­ment size in Illustrator via File > Document Setup does not update the rulers to accom­mo­date the new doc­u­ment size. Consequently, all your posi­tions will be off in …

Save It All Fast

CMD+S, CMD+W, CMD+S, CMD+W… It gets tedious if you have a num­ber of doc­u­ments open at once and you’re already run­ning late for a din­ner date. Save your­self some time and keystrokes. …

Change Guide Colors

Need to adjust the col­or of your guides on the fly? Easy: If your guides are unlocked (View > Lock Guides is unchecked), just double-click on the guide to bring …

Hedging Against Converted File Corruption

I fig­ured out this trick a cou­ple of years ago with the InDesign CS2 beta. Since then, because InDesign con­vert­ed doc­u­ment cor­rup­tion is so preva­lent and insid­i­ous, I’ve been preach­ing the …

Update All Images At Once

Updating linked images can be tedious, espe­cial­ly if the XPress doc­u­ment has trav­eled across sys­tems and every image must be updat­ed. Fortunately, a sim­ple key­board short­cut can update mul­ti­ple images at once. …

Scale Strokes... Or Not

When scal­ing an object up or down, its stroke may end up look­ing too spindly or too thick in rela­tion to the object if Scale Strokes is turned off. Conversely, …