Lampooning the QuarkXPress 7 Reviewer Guide

Don’t review the hype. Quark VS InDesign​.com staffers lam­poon the hilar­i­ous QuarkXPress 7 Reviewer’s Guide. New soft­ware is often released to the press along with a review­er’s guide. Such guides highlight …

Get the QuarkXPress 7 Public Beta

After a year of teas­ing, Quark today released XPress 7–as a beta. QuarkXPress 7 Beta Program Opens to Public Though still not ready for release, you can final­ly get your hands …

Quark Versus InDesign In Newspapers

Despite the hype, nei­ther InDesign nor QuarkXPress ful­ly answers the needs of news­pa­pers. Quark vs. InDesign in Newspaper Production Newspapers run faster, lean­er, and are more col­lab­o­ra­tive than oth­er desktop …

Win Illustrator CS2 @Work

Win one of five signed copies of Pariah S. Burke’s acclaimed project-based book Adobe Illustrator CS2 @work in’s week­ly give­away. Adobe Illustrator CS2 @ Work Unlike any soft­ware book you’ve …