Quark Deals for Designers of Tomorrow, While Price-Gouging Designers of Today

A new deal with Scholastic hopes to increase Quark expo­sure among future gen­er­a­tions of Australian cre­atives, but the cur­rent state of Quark tech­nol­o­gy, cou­pled with the 200% markup for QuarkXPress down under, has the design­ers of today and tomor­row run­ning straight into InDesign’s arms. We have to ask: Is Quark real­ly woo­ing Australian cre­atives, or should we use anoth­er verb that rhymes with wooing?

CreativePro Giving Away CreativeSuite 2

Over at CreativePro​.com, the cur­rent week­ly con­test prize is a copy of Adobe CreativeSuite 2 Premium Edition. Adobe® Creative Suite 2 Premium soft­ware is a uni­fied design envi­ron­ment that com­bines full new ver­sions of …

InBrief XPress (2005-06-29)

All the News for Those Who Print Electronic-Publishing Talks Quark VS InDesignIn the cur­rent issue of Electronic-Publishing edi­tor Keith Hevenor details the his­to­ry and rival­ry of the desk­top pub­lish­ing giants, …

Let's Talk VDP with Will Eisley

There’s been a lot of talk late­ly about Variable Data Publishing (VDP) sup­port on the desk­top. VDP solu­tions exist for InDesign–and more are on the way. But what are those …

Shareholder Sues Adobe Over Macromedia Acquisition

Adobe share­hold­er claims announce­ment to buy Macromedia breached fidu­cia­ry duty to share­hold­ers. Publish​.com reports that Adobe share­hold­er Steve Staehr filed suit in California Superior Court Monday against Adobe Systems, Inc., …

Let's Talk JDF with Jess Walker

Quark has been talk­ing up Job Definition Format (JDF) sup­port in the upcom­ing release of QuarkXPress 7. But, isn’t JDF already being used with InDesign CS2? JDF, or Job Definition …