onOne Software Purchases Plug-in Products from Extensis

New soft­ware devel­op­er onOne Software pur­chas­es pop­u­lar line of pro­duc­tiv­i­ty enhance­ment prod­ucts for Photoshop and QuarkXPress. Press Release PORTLAND, OR–(CREATIVEPRO.COM)–July 28, 2005–Independent soft­ware devel­op­er, onOne Software, Inc. today announced the …

Macromedia CEO Tells IDB Adobe Merger a Good Thing

In a recent inter­view with Investors Business Daily, Stephen Elop, CEO of Macromedia, expressed con­fi­dent opti­mism about the Adobe-Macromedia merg­er, the DOJ inves­ti­ga­tion, and cus­tomer reac­tions. “ The broad sen­ti­ment among …

QuarkXPress 7.0 From the Inside

Will XPress 7.0 be the upgrade that puts Quark back on top? CreativePro.com’s Gene Gable spent two days at Quark’s Denver head­quar­ters to find out and emerged with a cau­tious­ly opti­mistic exclu­sive report that delves deep­er into what Quark has let out of the bag so far–and hints at a few things they haven’t.

Who's Watching the Adobe-Macromedia Merger?

As Adobe and Macromedia await word of DOJ rul­ings on the impend­ing merg­er and what will become of the com­pa­nies’ com­pet­i­tive prod­ucts, both move for­ward with stock­hold­er votes. But if applications–DreamWeaver, GoLive, FreeHand, FireWorks, or Homesite–have to sell, who is like­ly to buy?