Quark Joins NGP To Optimize Print Workflows

Press Release DENVER–July 27, 2004–Quark announced today its mem­ber­ship in Networked Graphic Production (NGP), an ini­tia­tive of lead­ing print indus­try ven­dors com­mit­ted to work­ing togeth­er to deliv­er seam­less­ly inte­grat­ed solutions …

Quark Announces Certifed Expert Program

Press Release DENVER – Quark, Inc. announced last week the launch of the QuarkXPress Certified Expert pro­gram. This new pro­gram pro­vides tan­gi­ble assur­ance to prospec­tive clients and employ­ers that the …

InDesign Magazine Launches

Cover: InDesign Magazine July/August 2004 (Première) Issue The inau­gur­al issue of InDesign Magazine just hit, er, web-stands. This 48-page, PDF-only mag­a­zine from CreativePro​.com and David Blatner is packed to the, …

Quark Relaxes Infamously Miserly Licensing

Adobe, Macromedia, even Microsoft per­mits installing a sin­gle copy of their soft­ware on two com­put­ers for the use of one per­son with­out addi­tion­al licens­ing fees. These “dual-system/single-user” licens­ing allows pro­fes­sion­al or …

Quark: Educational Promotion for QuarkXPress

Announced at the same time as its new­ly free Dual Licensing, Quark launched a spe­cial pro­mo­tion for edu­ca­tors and stu­dents. The pro­mo­tion will allow edu­ca­tion­al users to pur­chase QuarkXPress 6 soft­ware with …

Interview: David Blatner

Mr. QuarkXPress turned Mr. InDesign, David Blatner is an inter­est­ing fel­low. The QuarkVSInDesign​.com exclu­sive inter­view with David Blatner. David Blatner In addi­tion to writ­ing arti­cles and opin­ions on every­thing from …

Putting 40,000 Readers, One by One, on a Cover

Variable Data Publishing (VDP) proof-of-concept puts a satel­lite pho­to of all 40,000 sub­scribers’ neigh­bor­hood on their indi­vid­ual copies of Reason mag­a­zine. The New York Times is car­ry­ing a sto­ry about Reason, …