Greatest Post On Quark vs. InDesign Ever

Would I like to see com­pe­ti­tion remain in the lay­out appli­ca­tion mar­ket? Yes, whole-heartedly. Quark, Inc. only got as good as it did because it began as an upstart com­peti­tor to PageMaker. But I also believe in reap­ing what you sow. Quark, Inc. has stepped on its users and ignored them for so long because users had no oth­er choice but QuarkXpress, that Quark, Inc. has become a real bad guy in the indus­try. I want to see Quark, Inc. final­ly real­ize the con­se­quences of its actions, just like every­one else. It would be good for the mar­ket if Quark, Inc. did so, then learned from its mis­takes and man­aged to stay alive to build a bet­ter application.

I don’t advo­cate the demise of Quark, Inc., I pre­dict it. There’s a major dif­fer­ence there.

Quark Starting To Care?

In a com­ment on my post “I Shout ‘Quark Sucks!’ Loudest” Alan men­tioned this sur­vey. Apparently Quark, Inc. has final­ly tak­en its fists from over its ears and decid­ed to ask …

Quark Opinions Cross The Pond

Not only am I the top two hits on Google for “Quark Sucks”, but my opin­ions on the Quark-InDesign war are being quot­ed and ref­er­enced all over the place. My posts …

Quark Chief's Nuts Yield Poor Return

Macworld UK–Quark chief’s nuts yield poor return “ Quark CEO Fred Ebrahimi’s fam­i­ly nut hold­ings dropped in val­ue yes­ter­day after sales slipped. Ebrahimi and fam­i­ly holds 12 per cent of …

Quark 7 and 8 Announced

Fred Ebrahimi, CEO of Quark: “ We’ve just announced QuarkXPress 7 will ship on November 1st, and XPress 8 will ship on December 20th. After care­ful con­sid­er­a­tion we came to this con­clu­sion: What …

I Shout "Quark Sucks!" Loudest

If you go to Google​.com and type in “quark sucks” (with or with­out the quotes), my site–specifically some op/ed dia­logues I started–is the top two list­ings. This makes me very proud. …

Quark: "No bitterness among customers."

Macworld Magazine, cov­er date September 2003, from let­ters to the edi­tor: Congratulations to Pamela Pfiffner for deliv­er­ing the most amaz­ing scoop I’ve ever seen in Macworld: Quark is com­mit­ted to …

Quark a no-show at HOW?

I’m writ­ing this from the 2003 HOW Design Conference in New Orleans and I see Adobe. There’s Apple. Pantone’s around. A dozen paper ven­dors are here. Over there’s Hewlett-Packard. MyFonts​.com is here …

Still Laughing At Quark

I’m still laugh­ing at Quark 6. I’ve seen it. I’ve played with it. It looks nice Cocoa-ized (mean­ing it runs under, and looks like, a native Mac OS X envi­ron­ment), but it’s …