Quark Gives You Ten Reasons Why

Coincident to the announce­ment of the release of Adobe® CS3®, Quark, Inc debuts 10 easy rea­sons why upgrad­ing to QuarkXPress® 7 is the thing to do.

Design Your Own Creative Suite 3 Icons Competition

Graphic Designers! Illustrators! Interface Designers! Fans of cre­ative soft­ware! Now that Adobe has shown how it sees Adobe appli­ca­tions, Quark VS InDesign​.com is ask­ing you to show how you see your favorite tools, to com­mu­ni­cate your vision in the unique and chal­leng­ing art form of icon can­vas­es. The best three sets of CS3 appli­ca­tion icons will earn a share of more than $7,000 in cool prizes. At the con­clu­sion of the con­test, all icon designs will be assem­bled into a library of free down­loads as both Mac- and Windows-compatible icons.