InDesign CS3: Mastering Design Collaboration

Whether you need to col­lab­o­rate with the per­son over the cube wall from you or across the plan­et, InDesign CS3 has sev­er­al pow­er­ful ways to coor­di­nate joint efforts among cre­atives. In this excerpt from the new book Mastering InDesign CS3 for Print Design and Production, author Pariah S. Burke will help you build an effi­cient, effec­tive col­lab­o­ra­tion workflow.

Quark: 'No Comment'

Ray Schiavone talks about QuarkXPress 8, com­pet­ing with InDesign, and Quark tech sup­port return­ing to the U.S. He hints at Quark going pub­lic, but then ducks the big ques­tions. We have what Schiavone said, and what he didn’t.

Quark Responds to 'Quark Insider'

Sunday, a Quark insid­er alleged lay­offs, fis­cal irre­spon­si­bil­i­ty, and slump­ing sales. Wednesday Quark respond­ed. I spoke with Ray Schiavone, pres­i­dent and CEO of Quark, about recent lay­offs in the U.S. and India, about the state of Quark’s finances, and about whether QuarkXPress 7 is selling.

Pantone Introduces Peel-And-Place Chips

Pantone’s new adhe­sive chip sheets make those broken-teeth per­fo­rat­ed chip sheets obso­lete. The chip sheets we’ve all seen stashed on the shelves of ad agency and design shops are about …

Design Your Own Creative Suite 3 Icons Competition

Graphic Designers! Illustrators! Interface Designers! Fans of cre­ative soft­ware! Now that Adobe has shown how it sees Adobe appli­ca­tions, Quark VS InDesign​.com is ask­ing you to show how you see your favorite tools, to com­mu­ni­cate your vision in the unique and chal­leng­ing art form of icon can­vas­es. The best three sets of CS3 appli­ca­tion icons will earn a share of more than $7,000 in cool prizes. At the con­clu­sion of the con­test, all icon designs will be assem­bled into a library of free down­loads as both Mac- and Windows-compatible icons.

The Holy Grail of Page Layout

Yup, call­ing some­thing the Holy Grail is pret­ty bold–and overused. In this case, how­ev­er, it real­ly does apply. Yesterday I released Page Control, a plug-in for InDesign CS and InDesign CS2, devel­oped in …

WoodWing Introduces Smart Newspaper

PRESS RELEASE A Special Suite of Solutions for the Newspaper Market DETROIT — 9 October 2006— WoodWing USA has announced a new bun­dled suite of its edi­to­r­i­al solu­tions aimed specif­i­cal­ly at the …

SoftCare K2: From the makers of K4

This new pub­lish­ing solu­tion com­bines the secu­ri­ty and sta­bil­i­ty of large edi­to­r­i­al sys­tems with the require­ments of small pub­lish­ing hous­es and cor­po­rate publishers.