Quebecor World Extends Contract with Quark

Quebecor World Extends Contract with Quark; In Continuance of Quark’s Promise for Excellence in Service, Quebecor World Renews Contract Press Release DENVER–(–Aug. 10, 2005–Quark Inc. today announced that Quebecor World …

InBrief XPress (2005-08-08)

All the News for Those Who Print Apple’s Automator Allows Workflow ShortcutsA new fea­ture in Mac OS 10.4, Automator enables cre­ative pros to build work­flow short­cuts in a drag-and-drop envi­ron­ment without …

Top Catalog Publishers Embrace Adobe InDesign CS2

Macy’s West, Plow & Hearth, Staples Cite Enhanced Quality and Production Efficiency in Decision to Move to InDesign CS2 Press Release SAN JOSE, Calif.–(–Aug. 2, 2005–Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today …

Markzware Announces the Release of FlightCheck Studio for Adobe InDesign

FlightCheck Studio Resolves Design Problems With Quick And Easy Detection And Correction! Press Release Rijswijk, The Netherlands—(—July 28, 2005—Markzware, the lead­ing devel­op­er of qual­i­ty con­trol for dig­i­tal files used in …

QuarkXPress 7.0 From the Inside

Will XPress 7.0 be the upgrade that puts Quark back on top?’s Gene Gable spent two days at Quark’s Denver head­quar­ters to find out and emerged with a cau­tious­ly opti­mistic exclu­sive report that delves deep­er into what Quark has let out of the bag so far–and hints at a few things they haven’t.

Who's Watching the Adobe-Macromedia Merger?

As Adobe and Macromedia await word of DOJ rul­ings on the impend­ing merg­er and what will become of the com­pa­nies’ com­pet­i­tive prod­ucts, both move for­ward with stock­hold­er votes. But if applications–DreamWeaver, GoLive, FreeHand, FireWorks, or Homesite–have to sell, who is like­ly to buy?

Quark Deals for Designers of Tomorrow, While Price-Gouging Designers of Today

A new deal with Scholastic hopes to increase Quark expo­sure among future gen­er­a­tions of Australian cre­atives, but the cur­rent state of Quark tech­nol­o­gy, cou­pled with the 200% markup for QuarkXPress down under, has the design­ers of today and tomor­row run­ning straight into InDesign’s arms. We have to ask: Is Quark real­ly woo­ing Australian cre­atives, or should we use anoth­er verb that rhymes with wooing?

InBrief XPress (2005-06-29)

All the News for Those Who Print Electronic-Publishing Talks Quark VS InDesignIn the cur­rent issue of Electronic-Publishing edi­tor Keith Hevenor details the his­to­ry and rival­ry of the desk­top pub­lish­ing giants, …