InEventScript Updated for InDesign, InCopy CS2

RogueSheep updates automa­tion plug-in for InDesign CS & CS2 and InCopy CS & CS2 Press Release SEATTLE, WA–(–May 17, 2005–Today RogueSheep, Incorporated (www​.RogueSheep​.com) announced an update to their automa­tion tool …

Confident in Your Content?

In the dig­i­tal work­flow for print and mul­ti­me­dia, graph­ic artist must think beyond design aes­thet­ics and accept some of the respon­si­bil­i­ty that pre­press sup­pli­ers once held by Gretchen A. Peck If …

I'm an Author!

While cruis­ing Amazon​.com I ran across this inter­est­ing lit­tle book enti­tled Adobe Illustrator CS2 At Work: Projects You Can Use on the Job. The author is Pariah S. Burke. My first book–on …

Review: QuarkXPress to InDesign: Face to Face

Task-based switch­er ref­er­ence puts every dif­fer­ence face-to-face Indispensable switch­er ref­er­ence. “Where do I set runaround,” is an oft-heard ques­tion if you spend any time around Quark-to-InDesign switch­ers. “Where are my gradient …

Adobe Creative Suite 2 Now Shipping

Adobe Photoshop CS2, InDesign CS2, Illustrator CS2, GoLive CS2 and InCopy CS2 Also Available Today Press Release SAN JOSE, Calif. — April 27, 2005 — Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today …

Celebrate InDesign Postcard Competition

Contest Has Ended Everyone knows that the last time post­cards were used to pro­mote soft­ware they weren’t exact­ly a stun­ning suc­cess. Quark VS InDesign​.com thinks you can do bet­ter. At least, that’s what we keep telling every­one. If you can prove us right, your work might be fea­tured on Quark VS InDesign​.com and you could win your share of US$15,500 (approx­i­mate val­ue) worth of some seri­ous­ly cool stuff.

Celebrate QuarkXPress Postcard Competition

Contest Has Ended Everyone knows that the last time post­cards were used to pro­mote soft­ware they weren’t exact­ly a stun­ning suc­cess. Quark VS InDesign​.com thinks you can do bet­ter. At least, that’s what we keep telling every­one. If you can prove us right, your work might be fea­tured on Quark VS InDesign​.com and you could win your share of US$15,500 (approx­i­mate val­ue) worth of some seri­ous­ly cool stuff.