SoftCare has Turned Into vjoon

The Hamburg-based devel­op­er showed its pub­lish­ing plat­form K4 6.0, designed for Adobe CS4, at its 4th International User Conference. The first pub­lic pre­sen­ta­tion will take place at IFRA Expo in Amsterdam.

300+ Free Halloween Fonts

In hon­or of this mon­th’s annu­al fright night, Quark VS InDesign​.com scoured the globe, peek­ing into every dark cor­ner, every creepy clos­et, and under the bed for free fonts–living or dead. We found over 300 Halloween and Halloween-inspired fonts–and they’re all free!

ex EPSCreator

Every two weeks Quark VS InDesign​.com and XChange International gives away 2 great prizes–an extra­or­di­nary xten­sion for QuarkXPress and an incred­i­ble InDesign plug-in. All you have to do to win is… Become …

Smart Speller for InDesign

Every two weeks Quark VS InDesign​.com and XChange International gives away 2 great prizes–an extra­or­di­nary xten­sion for QuarkXPress and an incred­i­ble InDesign plug-in. All you have to do to win is… Become …

ProScale ID

Every two weeks Quark VS InDesign​.com and XChange International gives away 2 great prizes–an extra­or­di­nary xten­sion for QuarkXPress and an incred­i­ble InDesign plug-in. All you have to do to win is… Become …

ProScale 7 for QX 6 & 7

Every two weeks Quark VS InDesign​.com and XChange International gives away 2 great prizes–an extra­or­di­nary xten­sion for QuarkXPress and an incred­i­ble InDesign plug-in. All you have to do to win is… Become …