Off to Texas Again

I have to say, I real­ly like Texas. Though I’ve nev­er lived there, and my opin­ion might be dif­fer­ent if I had, I’ve vis­it­ed Texas more than a hand­ful of times now. Each …

He Ain't Heavy, He's My Server

After a week of prepa­ra­tion, iamPariah​.com and sev­er­al of my oth­er domain prop­er­ties moved to my very own serv­er this past week­end. No more vir­tu­al servers or wor­ry­ing about whether some …

Win Illustrator CS2 @Work

This week (25–31 December 2005), Creativepro​.com is hand­ing out five signed copies of my acclaimed project-based book Adobe Illustrator CS2 @work in their week­ly give­away. Unlike any soft­ware book you’ve …