New pdfToolbox2 Plug-Ins for Adobe Acrobat 8

pdfColorConvert, pdfCorrect, and pdfLayerMaker – well-known and estab­lished PDF tools by callas soft­ware for pro­fes­sion­al colour con­ver­sion, the cor­rec­tion of typ­i­cal sources of print­ing errors, the cre­ation of lay­ers, and the opti­miza­tion of PDF files – are now avail­able for Adobe Acrobat Standard and Professional Version 8.

Press-sense announces Agreement with XMPie

PRESS RELEASE uDIRECT To Be Integrated And Packaged With Press-Sense iWAY CHICAGO – October 19, 2006 – At the 2006 Graph Expo and Converting Expo, Press-sense announced an agree­ment with …

The Holy Grail of Page Layout

Yup, call­ing some­thing the Holy Grail is pret­ty bold–and overused. In this case, how­ev­er, it real­ly does apply. Yesterday I released Page Control, a plug-in for InDesign CS and InDesign CS2, devel­oped in …

Enfocus Products to Support Adobe Acrobat 8

PRESS RELEASE Enfocus, an Artwork Systems brand, is ready­ing its Adobe Acrobat 8 com­pat­i­ble ver­sions of its full prod­uct line, includ­ing the indus­try’s most pop­u­lar PDF plug-in, PitStop Professional. Though the …