New Version of InCat, ActiveCatalogs

TradingBell released today new ver­sions of TradingBell CMS, a cat­a­log cre­ation, man­age­ment, and pub­lish­ing solu­tion, and InCat, an Adobe InDesign plug-in for build­ing and man­ag­ing cat­a­logs with­in InDesign for either OS …

QuarkXPress 7: Quark's Last, Best Hope

QuarkXPress 7: It alone deter­mines whether the war–and Quark–ends this year. Adobe and Quark are both test-firing their mas­sive 10-megaton DTP mis­siles. Both will fire in 2005. Adobe’s InDesign 4 projectile …

Newest Quark Defectors Are Big Names

Three lead­ing adver­tis­ing and brand­ing agen­cies announce their for­mal switch from QuarkXPress for page lay­out to InDesign CS. Joining the who’s‑who pub­lish­ing, adver­tis­ing, and brand­ing ros­ter that includes Bernstein-Rein Advertising, …

QuarkXPress Files Go Open Standard With XML

New QXML DOM schema imme­di­ate­ly opens QuarkXPress file for­mat for open stan­dard XML read­ing; next ver­sion of QXML to allow writ­ing. At Macworld San Francisco yes­ter­day Quark, Inc. intro­duced QXML, …

Macworld Snubs InDesign CS, Awards "Most Improved Page-Layout Program" Eddy To Quark

Macworld’s bias against Adobe is as egre­gious as it is bla­tant. Photoshop and After Effects, two Adobe point prod­ucts square­ly tar­get­ed in Apple’s cross-hairs, were ignored for Eddys where they clear­ly deserved them. But no where is the anti-Adobe bias at Macworld more evi­dent than in the ludi­cris rejec­tion of InDesign for Most Improved Page-Layout Program.

InDesign CS Bible Made In Quark

InDesign CS Bible by Galen Gruman made with QuarkConsidered one of the most com­pre­hen­sive ref­er­ences for InDesign CS, the fact that Gruman’s Adobe InDesign CS Bible was built in Quark, how­ev­er it came to be, is ter­ri­bly embar­rass­ing for Wiley Publishing, Inc., for Galen Gruman, and, most of all, for Adobe. Not only does Adobe make InDesign, but its Technical and Expert Support depart­ments offi­cial­ly endorse the Adobe InDesign CS Bible, rec­om­mend­ing it to Adobe customers.

Quark Vs InDesign Under Its Own Domain

As part of a multi-phase restruc­tur­ing of this site–not to men­tion mov­ing to a host­ing com­pa­ny that actu­al­ly works–the Quark VS InDesign cat­e­go­ry of I Am Pariah​.com has moved to its own domain …

QuarkXPress 6.5: Revolutionary... Or Desperate?

Last week Quark released QuarkXPress 6.5, a hint, an inti­ma­tion, per­haps even a promise, of where Quark 7 may take us next year. The 6.5 upgrade, avail­able free of charge to all registered …

Digital Output On Quark vs. InDesign

In a very well bal­anced arti­cle Digital Output mag­a­zine weighs in on QuarkXPress vs. Adobe InDesign. Though noth­ing new to Quark vs. InDesign read­ers, the arti­cle is an inter­est­ing read if …