Watch Out! Illustrator Breaks Em Dashes

Illustrator (CS2 and CS3) has a text ren­der­ing engine near­ly as advanced as InDesign’s. For that rea­son (and because Adobe final­ly added under­lin­ing as a type option in Illustrator), more and more …

InDesign CS3: Mastering Design Collaboration

Whether you need to col­lab­o­rate with the per­son over the cube wall from you or across the plan­et, InDesign CS3 has sev­er­al pow­er­ful ways to coor­di­nate joint efforts among cre­atives. In this excerpt from the new book Mastering InDesign CS3 for Print Design and Production, author Pariah S. Burke will help you build an effi­cient, effec­tive col­lab­o­ra­tion workflow.

Break the Link to a Style Sheet

To break a para­graph’s link to a style sheet with­out los­ing the for­mat­ting of the para­graph itself, high­light or click the Content tool with­in the para­graph, and then, on the Style Sheets …

Quark: 'No Comment'

Ray Schiavone talks about QuarkXPress 8, com­pet­ing with InDesign, and Quark tech sup­port return­ing to the U.S. He hints at Quark going pub­lic, but then ducks the big ques­tions. We have what Schiavone said, and what he didn’t.

Underline Options Shortcut

Opening the Underline Options in InDesign means show­ing the Character palette/panel and select­ing Underline Options from that pan­el’s fly­out menu. It’s not very con­ve­nient or expe­di­ant. Wouldn’t it be nice …