Add Your Paragraph and Character Styles to All New InDesign Documents Automatically
Got paragraph and character styles you use frequently? Maybe you took our advice and created basic, global character styles for bold, italic, bold-italic, and regular. Save yourself some serious time …
Collect Images without Packaging
Using the Package feature of InDesign (File > Package) is the ideal way to close out a document. All the document’s fonts, images, and other linked assets are collected in a central …
Rorohiko LayerLifter Lifts IDCS3 Objects Lightly
Rorohiko’s new plug-in optimizes moving objects between layers, stripping it down to two clicks of the mouse.
Automatic New Image Sizing in Photoshop
Being a technical writer who takes many, many (many) screenshots, one of my favorite features of Photoshop is its ability to automatically create new documents of exactly the size I need. When …
Extract All Images from a PDF at Once
Recently I explained how to exact a single image from a PDF so that the image could be reused in other applications. That method is ideal when you need only an image here …
Free Keyboard Shortcuts Plug-in for InDesign and InCopy CS3
New free plug-in for InDesign CS3 and InCopy CS3 puts keyboard shortcuts within easy reach.
ImageReady CS3
For Web graphics work, some people prefer ImageReady’s very Photoshop-like interface to FireWorks’s obviously Flash-esque controls and interface. Fans of droplets–ImageReady’s desktop icons onto which raw images could be dragged …
Extract an Image from a PDF
Have you ever wanted to extract an image from a PDF and get it into Photoshop, Illustrator, or somewhere else? It’s a common enough need. For example, smaller clients of graphic designers …
Getting InCopy Stories Back to MS Word
Replacing Word with InCopy may have revolutionized your office’s workflow, but odds are not all of your clients, partners, vendors, or freelancers have yet seen the light. How can you …