Sort InDesign Menus Alphabetically

Sometimes you know the name of a com­mand but just can’t seem to find it in the menu. Conveniently (quirk­i­ly?) InDesign allows you to re-order menu com­mands alpha­bet­i­cal­ly. On Windows hold …

Callas Software: pdfaPilot Takes Off as Command Line Module

Automatic PDF/A pro­cess­ing with pdfaPilot CLI The pdfaPilot of callas soft­ware, the inno­v­a­tive tool for thor­ough PDF/A ver­i­fi­ca­tion, cor­rec­tion and con­ver­sion, will be offered as a com­mand line mod­ule (CLI) from 01 March 2007. pdfaPilot comes in two dif­fer­ent ver­sions, one for pure val­i­da­tion and the oth­er for val­i­da­tion as well as cor­rec­tion and con­ver­sion tasks. As a CLI mod­ule, pdfaPilot will allow an auto­mat­ic PDF/A processing.

Callas Software Presents the New pdfInspektor4 CLI

The new pdfInspektor4 CLI—the command-line tool for auto­mat­ic PDF pro­cess­ing in dig­i­tal work­flow systems—is not only ful­ly com­pat­i­ble with Adobe Acrobat 8 now, but also con­tains a num­ber of improve­ments which make it more effec­tive, quick­er and more reli­able for the user to auto­mat­i­cal­ly process large amounts of incom­ing or exist­ing PDF documents.

Sort InCopy Menus Alphabetically

Sometimes you know the name of a com­mand but just can’t seem to find it in the menu. Conveniently (quirk­i­ly?) InCopy allows you to re-order menu com­mands alpha­bet­i­cal­ly. On Windows hold …

Fix Tool Keyboard Shortcuts

A long time ago, in a val­ley far, far away, Adobe Acrobat had one-button key­board short­cuts to com­mon tools. Much like cousins Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and most oth­er Adobe appli­ca­tions, pressing …

Hide Palettes

If you’ve worked in Adobe appli­ca­tions for any length of time you prob­a­bly already know that press­ing TAB will hide (and then show) all opened palettes. Hiding all palettes provides …