InDesign CS Bible Made In Quark

InDesign CS Bible by Galen Gruman made with QuarkConsidered one of the most com­pre­hen­sive ref­er­ences for InDesign CS, the fact that Gruman’s Adobe InDesign CS Bible was built in Quark, how­ev­er it came to be, is ter­ri­bly embar­rass­ing for Wiley Publishing, Inc., for Galen Gruman, and, most of all, for Adobe. Not only does Adobe make InDesign, but its Technical and Expert Support depart­ments offi­cial­ly endorse the Adobe InDesign CS Bible, rec­om­mend­ing it to Adobe customers.

Quark CEO Spills the Beans

In an inter­view with the International Journal of Newspaper Technology Quark CEO Kamar Aulakh spills the beans about new Quark prod­ucts, new busi­ness unit Quark Commerce, and new prod­uct solutions …

Digital Output On Quark vs. InDesign

In a very well bal­anced arti­cle Digital Output mag­a­zine weighs in on QuarkXPress vs. Adobe InDesign. Though noth­ing new to Quark vs. InDesign read­ers, the arti­cle is an inter­est­ing read if …

Book Review: Moving To InDesign

With delight I opened David Blatner’s new book, Moving To InDesign, because any book writ­ten or co-written by David is a delight. This one was no excep­tion. Moving to InDesign, …