Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 15 March 2019

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • How to Transition from Freelance Work to a Full Time Position
  • New Free Photoshop Panel Makes Layer Tidy-Up Easy as a Click
    “The pan­el is free down­load from Adobe Exchange, or you can get it direct­ly from the devel­op­er’s site, Photoshoplr, for the cost of a tweet.”
  • 25 Common Phrases That You’re Saying Wrong
    “Here’s my list of com­mon phras­es that you might be say­ing incor­rect­ly. Don’t be embar­rassed if you notice you use the incor­rect phrase; we all do it.

    The phras­es on the left are incor­rect, the ones on the right are correct.”

  • 4 Ways To Maximize Your Content’s Social Media Visibility
    Businesses and mar­ket­ing prac­ti­tion­ers use con­tent to inform their tar­get audi­ences of the many ben­e­fits of using their prod­uct or ser­vice. Most com­pa­nies allo­cate huge bud­gets cre­at­ing con­tent whether it be in the form of a writ­ten arti­cle or …
  • 21 Signs You’re Dating A Designer
    Buying gifts for them is stress­ful, and why did they have to ruin Arial for you?
  • HOW TO: Speed up your website
    With Google ask­ing web­mas­ters to deliv­er sites that are fast and func­tion­al, or suf­fer the de-ranking pun­ish­ment, busi­ness­es should all be under­tak­ing web­site test­ing to find out how their site mea­sures up. If you know your site is not performi…
  • 10 Questions to Ask Yourself When Testing a Business Idea | Entrepreneur​.com
    You’ve got a busi­ness idea you’re jazzed about, but aren’t sure if it’s fea­si­ble. What you need to do is test the con­cept to see how it stands up to a series of rig­or­ous questions.

    You are always test­ing,” says Andre Marquis, Executive Direct…

  • 3 Reasons Day Dreaming is Good for You and Your Work
    Are your men­tal mean­der­ings a must-have fea­ture of your cra­nial life or a bug in your skull system?

    Peter Killeen, the psy­chol­o­gist who explained to us the neu­ro­phys­i­o­log­i­cal step-by-step to men­tal wan­der­ing, asked as much in a recent paper…

  • Four Trends that’ll Affect In-house Designers’ Careers
    ” “The three words I would use to describe a suc­cess­ful future cre­ative would be being agile, being curi­ous and being aware,” says John Maeda, pres­i­dent, Rhode Island School of Design. In oth­er words, be ready for and open to change.”

  • Career Expecations For Graphic Designers [Video]
    “Many peo­ple get the impres­sion that all they have to do is what they were told in design school, or learn the lat­est Adobe appli­ca­tions, but there is more to it than that. Being a graph­ic design­er means learn­ing to work with oth­ers toward the …
  • 5 Stories Behind User Interface Design #UI #UX
    “As impor­tant as user inter­face design is to the indus­try, not every design­er is well-versed in UI. So whether you’re expe­ri­enced in user inter­face or you spe­cial­ize in anoth­er area of design, we’ve com­piled five unique user inter­faces (UI) and…
  • The Top 10 Lies of Entrepreneurs and Investors
    From my expe­ri­ence lis­ten­ing to pitch­es, I’ve seen two sets of top 10 lies: one of entre­pre­neurs and one of investors and I want­ed to share them with you so that you know what not to say and what not to believe.
  • How Color Impacts Your Purchases [info­graph­ic]
    “A lot of fac­tors are tak­en into account when a com­pa­ny pre­pares to sell their items. Things like col­or, look, feel, and tone all come into play. Many times we don’t real­ize how sig­nif­i­cant the role of col­or plays when it comes to our purchases…
  • Death To The Resume? How To Go Paperless And Score Jobs Socially
  • How to opti­mize a PDF file for SEO
    “In this info­graph­ic, learn how to fine tune your PDF file so that search engines can digest the PDF con­tent. Some of the steps in this info­graph­ic require the use of Acrobat Pro.”
  • Write. Then Research.
    “Instead of doing that, use a place­hold­er and mark where you need­ed to con­duct research or find a spe­cif­ic word. Then, move past it, and con­tin­ue writ­ing as if that pre­vi­ous thought was com­plete. Journalist and sci­ence fic­tion author Cory Docto…
  • 10 Paradoxical Traits Of Creative People
  • Tips for Graphic Designers
    “Graphic Designing is a high­ly cre­ative busi­ness where text, pic­tures and draw­ings need to be put aes­thet­i­cal­ly in adver­tise­ments, books, logos, brands, posters web­sites and mag­a­zines. While design­ing a web­site or web page in par­tic­u­lar Graphic…
  • Why Some People Have No Boundaries Online
    “One is our bound­ary pref­er­ences: are we inte­gra­tors or seg­men­tors? If you’re an inte­gra­tor, you like to build bridges between your pro­fes­sion­al and per­son­al lives. Integrators strive to blend their jobs with their lives out­side work—they’re ea…
  • Beautiful, Photorealistic Still Life Illustrations Made With Just A Black Pen
    “Using noth­ing more than a fine-tip black pen, she was able to cre­ate her beau­ti­ful draw­ings with a tedious dot­ting tech­nique that requires the artist to be extreme­ly metic­u­lous and have a huge amount of patience. ”
  • 12 Most Striking Tendencies of Creative People
    Ever won­der what makes those wacky, cre­ative types tick? How is it that some peo­ple seem to come up with all kinds of inter­est­ing, orig­i­nal work while the rest of us trudge along in our dai­ly routines?
    Creative peo­ple are dif­fer­ent because they…
  • Avoid Issues By Saving Your Artwork Properly In InDesign For Printing
    “Adding bleeds from the start, BEFORE YOU EVEN START, is cru­cial. Think about it, you’re work­ing on a 200+ page cat­a­log and then you find out you have to go back and extend the bleed of every sin­gle object in every sin­gle page!! I real­ly think …
  • Your Personal Brand: Give Yourself An Audit
    “If I said to you “what is the first thing you think about when I men­tion Donald Trump”, what would you say? Now do the same for Hugh Hefner? How about Miley Cyrus? Oprah?”
  • 8 Keys To Creating An Emotional Connection Between Products And People
    “Fifty per­cent of every buy­ing deci­sion is dri­ven by emo­tion. Which, for any­one respon­si­ble for bring­ing a prod­uct to mar­ket, makes a recent Forrester Research sur­vey a con­cern. It report­ed that 89% of the respon­dents felt no per­son­al connectio…
  • 6 Tricks for Instantly Looking Better in Photoshop [VIDEO]
    “Everyone wants to have per­fect pro­file pic­ture, but we’ve all seen exam­ples of Photoshopping gone wrong. If you’ve ever want­ed to clear those blem­ish­es or trim those 10 pounds the cam­era adds, but end up look­ing more like a dis­tort­ed mem­ber of…
  • An Updated Guide to Buying Stock Images –Top 10 Agencies
    “Settling for the best source of roy­al­ty free images and media files may prove to be tricky if you’re not aware of all the avail­able options. So if you’re a web design­er, a blog­ger, or a writer for an online mag­a­zine, here’s a fresh list of the…
  • How the Flat UI Design Style Affects Interface Text
    “Wait, what? Can a design trend real­ly influ­ence the way we use text in an interface?

    Yes, it can. We saw last week that design and con­tent influ­ence each oth­er, and that includes pure design trends like the flat UI look that’s all the rage ri…

  • The Pro’s Guide to Packaging Design
    “Good prod­uct pack­ag­ing design rein­forces the brand’s DNA, says Design Packaging’s cre­ative direc­tor Evelio Mattos – with the best work cre­at­ing emo­tion­al respons­es in the process.”
  • Principles of User Interface Design
    ““To design is much more than sim­ply to assem­ble, to order, or even to edit; it is to add val­ue and mean­ing, to illu­mi­nate, to sim­pli­fy, to clar­i­fy, to mod­i­fy, to dig­ni­fy, to dra­ma­tize, to per­suade, and per­haps even to amuse.” – Paul Rand”

  • 12 Ways To Disappoint Your Design Clients
    One of the most dif­fi­cult parts of being a free­lancer is deal­ing direct­ly with your clients. If they are dis­ap­point­ed, it’s your fault com­plete­ly. You don’t have a com­pa­ny or col­leagues to fall back on to help you deal with clients. It’s all you…
  • Communicating with Design Clients: 3 Profit Areas
    “Every design busi­ness sells some kind of prod­uct, which earns mon­ey for the com­pa­ny. This rev­enue con­tributes to the ongo­ing oper­a­tion of your busi­ness and the cre­ation of prof­it. No rev­enue, no cash flow. No prof­it, no long-term sta­bil­i­ty for…
  • Securing Your Notoriously Insecure Dropbox: 6 Steps To Take For Safer Cloud Storage
    “If you use Dropbox, you may be in for some star­tling news. Despite the fact that Dropbox was the first to bring cloud stor­age to the mass­es, it’s wide­ly accept­ed that Dropbox is no longer the best of its class. One big draw­back is that the van…
  • What Multitasking Does To Your Brain
  • Why Confidence Is So Important (and How to Improve Yours)
    ““Have con­fi­dence!” is one of the most essen­tial pieces of advice you’ll receive in life that makes no sense if you’ve nev­er done it. You know what con­fi­dent peo­ple look like, the advan­tages they get, and that it’s some­thing worth emu­lat­ing. Ho…
  • The Designer’s Guide to Working for Nonprofits
    “Want to help make the world a bet­ter place? Industry experts offer these top tips for work­ing with nonprofits.”
  • Freelance vs. Agency – Job Security, Added Hours and Other Considerations
    “One of the most imme­di­ate deci­sions fac­ing new­ly grad­u­at­ed design­ers is whether to work free­lance or whether to apply to an agency – a prob­lem that a lot will wres­tle with through­out their career. Each time you jump from job to job, the niggli…
  • 8 Ways to Evoke Positive Emotions in Visual Design
    “Designers who work in brand­ing have the oh-so-glorious job of try­ing to cre­ate designs that are not only easy to remem­ber and relate to, but por­tray the brand con­cise­ly and accu­rate­ly as well. Add to this the need to evoke the right emo­tions a…
  • Designing For Disabilities: Section 508 and International Accessibility Compliance For Beginners
    “Many graph­ic design­ers, web devel­op­ers, or oth­ers in the tech­nol­o­gy and media indus­tries will even­tu­al­ly come across a project that requires com­pli­ance with “Section 508″ or oth­er acces­si­bil­i­ty stan­dards. This term can be quite intim­i­dat­ing fo…
  • 5 Best Printed Marketing Methods For Freelancers
    “If you don’t know how to mar­ket your­self effec­tive­ly, you’re going to have a tough time obtain­ing and main­tain­ing clients; espe­cial­ly the type of clients that you need to actu­al­ly make a suc­cess of your free­lanc­ing career, rather than the ones…
  • Ten Strategies for Negotiating Success for Creatives
    “A Virtuous Cycle is a series of events that result in a favor­able out­come, over and over again…”
  • Attract New Clients and Keep Existing Ones
    In the design world, your rela­tion­ship with clients is one of the eas­i­est ways you could find to mar­ket your­self. No cost, no spe­cial effort, just mak­ing sure you treat the peo­ple who pay for your ser­vices more than walk­ing work projects.

  • 6 Career Tips from a Creative Manager
    “Embarking upon your design career can be fair­ly daunt­ing. So how should you go about it? Well who bet­ter to ask for advice than an actu­al cre­ative man­ag­er; in this case George Burton from boohoo​.com.

  • How to Handle Price-Sensitive Design Clients
    “Over the years, I’ve found that clients typ­i­cal­ly fall into two extremes when it comes to pric­ing: the “I don’t care” crowd, and price-sensitive clients. Of course, my favorites are the ones that don’t care about the price, but these are few an…
  • 10 Cost-Effective Ways to Delight Your Design Clients
    The design indus­try is high­ly com­pet­i­tive. There is always some­one on your heels wait­ing to take the next job or to sweep a client out from under you. Being able to retain your clients is essen­tial in this mar­ket, and repeat busi­ness will be th…
  • 5 Fascinating Font Infographics
    “While most peo­ple think about the aes­thet­ic of their design, col­or choic­es, and func­tion­al­i­ty, few peo­ple think about the abil­i­ty of type­face – on its own – to con­vey a mes­sage. Fonts make up words but they are com­mu­ni­ca­tors them­selves, and th…
  • Envisioning and Finding Your Dream Client
    We all hear hor­ror sto­ries of night­mare clients that tread well out­side the bound­aries of writ­ten agree­ments, delay or refuse to pay for com­plet­ed work, or worse. Assertive, unscrupu­lous, and dis­agree­able clients can ask the world of us for a p…
  • How much to charge for design work?
    Danny Outlaw sug­gests to ask your­self 10 Questions when pric­ing yourself:
  • 8 Great Design Job Boards to Find Your Next Design Job or Gig by Pariah Burke #jobs #design
    “Whether you’re look­ing for your next great full-time adven­ture, a part-time sup­ple­ment, or great free­lance projects, this place called the World Wide Web offers a num­ber of great places to find cre­ative work. Here are the best eight of those p…
  • Top 10 FBI Behavioral Unit Techniques For Building Rapport With Anyone
    “Robin Dreeke is head of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Behavioral Analysis Program.
    In his book It’s Not All About “Me”: The Top Ten Techniques for Building Quick Rapport with Anyone he sim­ply and clear­ly spells out meth­ods for con­nect­ing with …
  • 10 Proven Digital Marketing Ideas for Startups
    “A new busi­ness needs all of the mar­ket­ing help it can get. Using dig­i­tal tools to enhance mar­ket­ing strate­gies is an excel­lent way to get your new busi­ness rec­og­nized. Building a brand is the first step. Getting the brand, as well as your name…
  • Creating Fixed-Layout eBooks (ePublishing with InDesign Series) #eprd­ctn
    ePub­lish­ing with InDesign: Creating Fixed-Layout eBooks will teach you:

    - Understanding Fixed-Layout eBooks
    – Planning a Fixed-Layout eBook
    – Creating Fixed-Layout in InDesign
    – Adapting the HTML
    – Editing the CSS
    – Adding Advanced Features

  • Are You More Creative Alone or with Others?
    For some, cre­ativ­i­ty is a soli­tary endeav­or. For oth­ers, noth­ing sparks the cre­ative engine quite like the esca­la­tion of ideas you get with a group of peo­ple. Which are you?
  • Don’t Allow This to be You. Top 5 Regrets People Express on Their Deathbeds
    “When ques­tioned about any regrets they had or any­thing they would do dif­fer­ent­ly, com­mon themes sur­faced again and again. Here are the most com­mon five:”
  • The Ideal Bookshelf for Designers
    “Beyond the bite-sized bits of design mate­r­i­al you’ll come across in your RSS feed­er, there’s an incred­i­bly rich world of knowl­edge that lives not in pix­els, but in print. And if you’re itch­ing to build up your per­son­al library of design refere…
  • 10 ways to keep clients com­ing back to you
    Repeat busi­ness: it’s the lifeblood of the design indus­try. Here are our top tips on how to keep your clients smiling
  • The illustrator’s guide to get­ting an agent
    Lisa Hassell speaks to illus­tra­tors and agen­cies to dis­cov­er exact­ly what is the role of the agent, and how to get the most out of them.
  • Branding, Identity & Logo Design Explained
    A logo is not your brand, nor is it your iden­ti­ty. Logo design, iden­ti­ty design and brand­ing all have dif­fer­ent roles, that togeth­er, form a per­ceived image for a busi­ness or product.

    There has been some recent dis­cus­sion on the web about t…

  • The Definitive Guide to (Mostly) Free Images
    They say noth­ing on the Internet is tru­ly “free.” Even ser­vices like Gmail and Facebook come with a price—namely, your pri­va­cy (free with a string attached would be more accu­rate). It’s the same with “free” images from sites like Flickr and and…
  • Mastering The Art Of Conversation: 7 Steps To Being Smooth
    “In The Art of Conversation: A Guided Tour of a Neglected Pleasure, Catherine Blyth gives some great tips on han­dling the sub­tle nuances of polite interaction.
    Here are sev­en of my favorite bits:”
  • Buck Design Trends: Tips for Finding New Design Inspiration
    “As a web design­er today, you have lit­er­al­ly hun­dreds of places to help spur your cre­ativ­i­ty. Websites ded­i­cat­ed to pro­vid­ing inspi­ra­tion for web design work. List posts explain­ing what’s hot in the indus­try this year. And pub­li­ca­tions that sh…
  • Creating an International Social Media Strategy that Works
    “Social media now con­nects peo­ple across the globe. Facebook has more than 1 bil­lion world­wide users, with 2013 fig­ures from check­face­book list­ing Brazil as the sec­ond largest coun­try on the net­work. Meanwhile, Mexico and Egypt took the top two…
  • Should Web Designers Take on Print Work?
    When you live and breathe dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing, it’s easy to over­look the fact that tra­di­tion­al offline mar­ket­ing was a $93.6 bil­lion indus­try in 2012. Whereas the dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing indus­try trails slight­ly behind at $63 billion.
  • The Ultimate Guide To Hiring And Managing Remote Workers
    In fact, hun­dreds and thou­sands of busi­ness­es around the world hire remote work­ers on a reg­u­lar basis, hence the rea­son that so many free­lanc­ing web­sites are cur­rent­ly thriv­ing (we’ll talk about these later)
  • Logo Thief – A Website that Curates Plagiarized Logo Design Cases
    “The peo­ple behind Logo Thief, a web­site recent­ly launched to name and shame the logo thieves want to stop this ille­gal acts. The blog keep track and doc­u­ments var­i­ous cas­es of logo design pla­gia­rism and name peo­ple who rip-off the designs of o…
  • Flat Design VS. Skeuomorphism [Infographic]
    “It’s easy to get wrapped up in a trend and choose the option you think is most pop­u­lar. But do you real­ly know the draw­backs as well as the ben­e­fits of flat design? How about skeuomorphism?
    We’ve put togeth­er this fun info­graph­ic to help you w…
  • You Were Born to Sell: Dismantling the Myths of Self-Promotion
    “Working hard at mak­ing some­thing isn’t a guar­an­tee of suc­cess. In fact, when you ship your project or work, your job has only just begun.”
  • 50 Illustrator Tutorials That Will Leave You Looking Like A Pro
    “This round-up brings you a selec­tion of great Illustrator tuto­ri­als start­ing with the basics and end­ing with advanced projects. All the infor­ma­tion you need to get to grips with this pow­er­ful software.”
  • The One Thing That Truly Motivates Creative Talent–And How To Foster It
    “Intrinsic moti­va­tion is the mojo that breathes life into curios­i­ty and life­long learn­ing, into build­ing new and bet­ter skills, into mak­ing indi­vid­u­al­ly defined tal­ent lev­el bloom into some­thing of val­ue to the whole. It push­es us to go beyond …
  • Why Companies Are Terrible At Spotting Creative Ideas
  • The Importance & Impact of Color
    “Josef Albers was an accom­plished design­er, typog­ra­ph­er, pho­tog­ra­ph­er, painter and col­or the­o­rist, who’s best known for rev­o­lu­tion­iz­ing the appli­ca­tion of col­or. He cre­at­ed the ulti­mate learn­ing tool with his book, Interaction of Color, first p…
  • Eye Tracking 101: How Your Eyes Move on a Website
    “Knowing how the view­ers of your site real­ly see it can help to shine light on new and/or missed oppor­tu­ni­ties with­in your cur­rent design. It may also bring out the need for new ele­ments or changes.

  • 21 Suggestions for a Successful Design Career
    “1. Find the right place to gain as much expe­ri­ence as pos­si­ble in the short­est amount of time. This may mean a small inde­pen­dent design stu­dio, a large multi­na­tion­al or hop­ping jobs every 2 years depend­ing on the avail­able options you may have…
  • A Business Model With No Goals — Instead of Planning How to Work, Just Work
    “Goals are good, right? They can help you increase your sales, or shave a minute off your mile. We wouldn’t have world-class ath­letes or American Idol cham­pi­ons with­out goals. Yet I can’t seem to buy the hype.

    Particularly in busi­ness, I don’t…

  • 10 Psychological States You’ve Never Heard Of… and When You Experienced Them
    “Everybody knows what you mean when you say you’re hap­py or sad. But what about all those emo­tion­al states you don’t have words for? Here are ten feel­ings you may have had, but nev­er knew how to explain.”
  • 10 Paradoxical Traits Of Creative People
  • How to work non-destructively in Photoshop
    “Beside tons of avail­able fea­tures Photoshop is sim­ple best image edit­ing soft­ware because offers some unique edit­ing options: non-destructive adjust­ments, non-destructive fil­ters, non-destructive crop­ping and non-destructive tra­di­tion­al techni…
  • 3 Simple Reasons Why You Absolutely Need to Ask for a Deposit
    “Next to draft­ing client agree­ments, get­ting a deposit from your clients is one of the most impor­tant things you’ll do as a free­lance designer.
    A lot of new graph­ic design­ers make the rook­ie mis­take of being too timid to ask their clients for a…
  • Personalize Lightroom to Improve Your Brand
    “This arti­cle will show you var­i­ous places where you can lever­age your brand­ing through the Lightroom inter­face and sub­se­quent out­put. Though not designed as a how-to on each indi­vid­ual Lightroom oper­a­tion it should give you an idea of what is …
  • Type:Rider” Is The Ultimate Video Game About Typography
  • Six Things Every Designer Should Know About Copyright
    “The art & design world has been abuzz late­ly with copy­right issues and, since we’ve been talk­ing a lot here about orig­i­nal and authen­tic design, I thought it would be help­ful to gath­er some good infor­ma­tion about copy­right straight from the pe…
  • 10 Things You Need To Know About Dating A Designer
    Well, we’ve dis­cussed the ben­e­fits of dat­ing a geek. But what’s life like when you’re dat­ing a design­er? They’re geeks as well, right?
  • Can you grow from free­lancer to stu­dio owner?
    “There may come a time you get too suc­cess­ful as a free­lancer and must decide if you pre­fer sleep, mon­ey, or headaches. The step up to becom­ing a stu­dio with more than one per­son can be a night­mare… or very reward­ing. Not every­one can do it and…
  • How to Raise Your Hourly Rate (Politely)
    Creatives often strug­gle with how to raise their hourly rates assertive­ly and polite­ly. How do you go from $50/hour to $60/hour? Ramit Sethi explains his three-step for­mu­la for grad­u­al­ly increas­ing his hourly rate on his blog I Will Teach You T…
  • Surviving as a Creative in a Corporate Environment
    Andy Epstein offers tac­tics for thriv­ing in an in-house design envi­ron­ment. He lays out a tongue-in-cheek list of ways for an in-house design­er to get fired in the hopes that you’ll not try them.
  • Interaction Design Best Practices
    “But, the past and the future are not of con­se­quence here. We’re going to briefly touch upon three best prac­tices when it comes to inter­ac­tion prin­ci­ples – right now.

  • Why Designers Need Human Contact
    “I’m guess­ing if you did a study on design­ers, the majority…would fall on [the intro­vert] side of the spec­trum. It’s just in our nature to be more in our heads and less in our words. And with so much con­ver­sa­tion being done online, we are poi…
  • If I Were 22: 80+ Influencers Share Lessons from Their Youth
    Each year for a few days in May, age gets to bestow its wis­dom on youth and any­one who’s over 22 has advice for any­one who’s not. Youth may roll its eyes and shrug, that wis­dom nonethe­less lives on in a cor­ner of the mind, often to be dissected…
  • Are women bet­ter nego­tia­tors than men?
    Earlier this week I came across an arti­cle in which it was sug­gest­ed that women in the pur­chas­ing world are posi­tioned to become the new influ­encers and deal-makers because they under­stand the impor­tance of build­ing rela­tion­ships and collaborat…
  • Positioning Yourself Competitively as a Freelancer
    That being said even if you are start­ing out and have a lim­it­ed under­stand­ing of the work you do there can be sev­er­al dif­fer­ent ways you can posi­tion your­self fit­ting your skill lev­el. In this arti­cle we will present a few impor­tant things clie…
  • Watermark Images Automatically When They’re Downloaded From Your WordPress Site
    It applies water­mark on new images as well as images already uploaded. By deac­ti­vat­ing the plu­g­in, the water­mark will be removed on all images.

    What makes this plu­g­in a real­ly pow­er­ful one, is that the water­mark is placed on your images throug…

  • 44 Color Scheme Tools for Picking the Perfect Print Palette
    Since choos­ing col­or is such an impor­tant aspect of design, there’s no shame in seek­ing out­side assis­tance. We’ve select­ed some of the best col­or scheme tools on the web to help you do every­thing from gen­er­at­ing palettes to sam­pling a col­or from…
  • Training Your Coworkers to Understand Design
    If you’re like most in-house design­ers, you fol­low a water­fall process where project assets are gen­er­at­ed and shared, mov­ing from one per­son to anoth­er in a sequen­tial order. Now it’s time to see about how agile method­olo­gies can help you work s…
  • The Makings Of A Great Logo: Six ques­tions to ask your­self when design­ing a brand
    Your com­pa­ny’s logo is the foun­da­tion of your busi­ness brand­ing. It is prob­a­bly the first inter­ac­tion that you will have with your cus­tomers. An effec­tive logo can estab­lish the right tone and set the prop­er ethos. After years of craft­ing logos…
  • Design Before Computers Ruled the Universe (Nostalgia for You Whipper Snapper Designers)
    When I first went to art school, a required course was Paste Up and Mechanicals. It was print pro­duc­tion tech­niques. It took a steady hand, good eye, and the use of very tox­ic sol­vents and razor sharp cut­ting tools. The teach­ers, as with any pr…
  • Freelancers’ Questions: Is an esti­mate the same as a quote?
    Freelancer’s Question: I nor­mal­ly give a price esti­mate to clients inter­est­ed in the sup­ply of my free­lance ser­vices, but a new cus­tomer has insist­ed that I send them a quote. Is there much dif­fer­ence between an esti­mate and a quote? I really …
  • How Much Should You Charge Graphic Design Clients?
    One of the biggest ques­tions graph­ic design­ers have is how much to charge their clients for their ser­vices. How do you charge for graph­ic design work? How do you deter­mine your pric­ing? There are sev­er­al things that you should con­sid­er when det…
  • The Big Guide To Printing From Your iPhone or iPad
    Wirelessly print­ing pho­tos and doc­u­ments straight from your iPhone and iPad can be as easy as send­ing some­one a text mes­sage, using one of sev­er­al built-in and third-party options.
    Though paper­less read­ing and shar­ing of doc­u­ments is easy and a…
  • You Don’t Own Your Logo (and Why You Think You Do): Why Copyright Transfer Matters
    Payment Does Not Confer Automatic Copyright or Intellectual Property Ownership

    So, this sce­nario may be extreme, after all, you have com­mis­sioned a logo – your brand iden­ti­ty – and what else are you going to do with your brand iden­ti­fy apart f…

  • Design Principles: Visual Weight And Direction
    Every ele­ment on a web page exerts a visu­al force that attracts the eye of the view­er. The greater the force, the more the eye is attract­ed. These forces also appear to act on oth­er ele­ments, impart­ing a visu­al direc­tion to their poten­tial move…
  • Your brain craves info­graph­ics – and here are 13 visu­al rea­sons why
    Enjoy this great info­graph­ic about info­graph­ics and see why visu­als work so well for dis­trib­ut­ing infor­ma­tion Datavis Infographics
  • Double and Half, Freelancer Hourly Rate Math by Seth Godin
    Successful free­lancers need to charge at least dou­ble the hourly rate that they’d be hap­py earn­ing doing full time work. (In many fields, it’s more like 4 or 5x). And they need to spend at least half their time get­ting… Freelance free­lanc­ing fr…
  • InDesign CC Integration with InCopy CC
    In this course Pariah Burke speaks to both Editorial and Design, address­ing both sides of pub­lish­ing to enable all cre­ative per­son­nel to forge and main­tain a col­lab­o­ra­tive, pro­duc­tive, account­able inte­gra­tion using best-of-breed edi­to­r­i­al and design to…
  • 271 Years Before Pantone, an Artist Mixed and Described Every Color Imaginable in an 800-Page Book
    Spanning near­ly 800 com­plete­ly hand­writ­ten (and paint­ed) pages, Traité des couleurs ser­vant à la pein­ture à l’eau, was prob­a­bly the most com­pre­hen­sive guide to paint and col­or of its time. According to Medieval book his­to­ri­an Erik Kw…
  • InDesign CC EPUB Building on the Fundamentals
    In this course you will go beyond cre­at­ing text-only EPUBs. Pariah Burke will start off by help­ing you con­vert print book lay­outs to ebook, spec­i­fy­ing sto­ry and imagery order through dif­fer­ent means. Next you will learn how to for­mat and include cover …
  • Install New Creative Cloud Apps AND Keep Old Versions
    How to update to Adobe Creative Cloud 2015 with­out unin­stalling pre­vi­ous versions.
    Keep read­ing Install New Creative Cloud Apps AND Keep Old Versions on Pariah Burke Publishing & Design Consulting & Training.
  • Followup on Starred Mail Reminder Digest
    If you use Google Apps Mail, as I do, or GMail, star­ring mes­sages is a great way to mark them as impor­tant or for lat­er fol­lowup. Get busy, how­ever, and you could for­get to about those starred mes­sages. I cre­ated the…
  • InDesign CC Creating Fixed-Layout eBooks
    Join Pariah Burke as he shows you all the advan­tages of Fixed Layout EPUBS in InDesign. He will show you the best tech­niques for tak­ing advan­tage of engag­ing ele­ments such as ani­ma­tions, video, audio, and much more. Once you com­plete this course, you’l…
  • Free Keyboard Shortcuts Cheatsheets for InDesign CC, Illustrator CC, and Photoshop CC
    Free, print­able, sharable cheat­sheets of hotkey key­board short­cuts for Adobe InDesign CC, Adobe Photoshop CC, and Adobe Illustrator CC for Mac and Windows for design­ers who want to be pro­duc­tive and proficient.
    Keep read­ing Free Keyboard Shortcuts Chea…
  • InDesign CC: Mastering Type with Pariah Burke
    Text is as at the heart of near­ly every InDesign project. Fitting, then, that InDesign is the world’s most advanced type-setting plat­form. With all the text set­ting, styling, and manip­u­la­tion pow­er present in InDesign, it’s entire­ly possible–indeed, PR…
  • InDesign CC: Publish Online Video Training by Pariah Burke
    Use InDesign Publish Online for pub­li­ca­tion dis­tri­b­u­tion or to send proofs, sketch­es, and iter­a­tions of doc­u­ments to clients for review and approval. InDesign Layout epub selfpub
  • InDesign CC: Publish Online
    Pariah Burke teach­es you how to use Publish Online, a dis­tri­b­u­tion medi­um for InDesign doc­u­ments for client proof­ing or wide­spread dis­tri­b­u­tion. Publish Online oper­ates from with­in InDesign but with a web com­po­nent that makes your cho­sen doc­u­ments view…
  • A web stan­dards hol­i­day card from Typekit
  • Typography for the Aging Eye
    “Here are some guide­lines for set­ting typog­ra­phy tar­get­ed towards the aging eye and those with some degree of visu­al impair­ment. NOTE: If design­ing for read­ers with more spe­cif­ic visu­al impair­ments or lim­i­ta­tions, be sure to do your research as…
  • How to prop­er­ly pro­nounce the names of type­faces (via MP3s)
    Ralf Herrmann, a German design­er and typophile, has com­piled a help­ful list of MP3s which let you hear how to prop­er­ly say the fonts you use every day.
  • Logopedia – A Wiki for Logos and Corporate Branding
    Logopedia is a col­lab­o­ra­tive data­base for logos and cor­po­rate brand­ing. It includes the his­to­ry of suc­cess­ful com­pa­ny logos, pop­u­lar brand­ing, and more.
  • Here’s how to get new Dynamic Desktop wall­pa­pers for Mojave
  • EXPIRES IN 9 DAYS – Quark Teams Up with Fontsmith to Provide $1500 Worth of Fonts for Free
  • Unless Designers Intercede, Augmented Reality Could Become the Super Creepy Dating Tool of Tomorrow
    “How could design­ers inter­vene, help­ing us meet, greet, and poten­tial­ly fall in love with a lit­tle bit less of a 10 out of 10 preda­to­ry vibe? Let’s con­sid­er some pos­si­bil­i­ties around that moment in the video where the two future lovers meet:”