ePublishing Workflow Webinar

The Digital Publishing mar­ket is explod­ing, so it’s now more impor­tant than ever to learn how to cre­ate e‑books, e‑magazines, e‑catalogs, and more. The ePublishing Workflow Webinar will give you the skills you need to stay rel­e­vant and on top of this sec­ond dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing revolution.

Announcing the ePublishing Workflow Webinar

2‑Day course about design­ing, devel­op­ing, deploy­ing, and mar­ket­ing eBooks, e‑Magazines, e‑Catalogs, and more in ePUB, MOBI, PDF, and oth­er for­mats, pre­sent­ed by pub­lish­ing and work­flow experts Pariah Burke, Sally Cox, and Steve Dolan.

Quark Publishing System update to be shown at IFRA Expo 2006

PRESS RELEASE New and enhanced fea­tures pro­vide val­ue to pub­lish­ing and mar­ket­ing work­flows; next gen­er­a­tion pre­view demon­strates com­mit­ment to open stan­dards and inte­grat­ed solu­tions NEUCHÂTEL, Switzerland – October 5, 2006 …