Examples of some of my work for clients of all scales (from Mom-and-Pop to enter­prise with equal atten­tion to detail and success-driven-results) pro­vid­ing ser­vices such as:

Please note: this page is rarely up-to-date because:

  1. I’m busy, and I spend more time work­ing for clients like you than updat­ing my site.
  2. More than half of my work is under Non-Disclosure Agreements, so I can’t show you that work.

Elearning: Zilretta Modules

Title: Zilretta eLearning Modules Audience: Pharmaceutical com­pa­ny Sales and Marketing depart­ments My Role(s)/Contribution(s): Instructional Design, Graphic Design Primary Tool(s) Employed: Adobe InDesign, Adobe InCopy, Adobe Acrobat Description: Interactive module-based education …

Example pages from Smithsonian Institute accessible PDFs

1,300+ Pages Remediated for the Smithsonian Institute

Client: ThinkB!G / Smithsonian Institute Skills: Accessibility reme­di­a­tion in PDF via Adobe Acrobat. In addi­tion to my work mak­ing Smithsonian: Collected Comics from Native New York acces­si­ble and Section 508-compliant, …

Cover and pages from the Smithsonian, National Museum of the American Indian publication _Telling Stories with Pictures, Collected Comics from Native New York_

Smithsonian: Collected Comics from Native New York

Client: ThinkB!G / Smithsonian Institute, National Museum of the American Indian Skills: Unusual sce­nario problem-solving. Accessibility reme­di­a­tion in Adobe InDesign, Adobe Bridge, Adobe Acrobat, and Microsoft Word. Scriptwriting. Client education. …

Video eLearning: Vyond Animation TWD Video Shorts

Title: Training & Workforce Development Video Shorts Animations Audience: Internal Personnel Organization-wide My Role(s)/Contribution(s): Animation, Audio Editing, Video Editing, Comedy Writing Primary Tool(s) Employed: Vyond, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Première Pro, Adobe …

Technical Writing: ProjectDox Software Documentation

Title: Using ProjectDox on Devices (A COVID-19 Rapid Development Project) Audience: Internal Personnel and Customers (Architects, Construction Developers, and Homeowners) My Role(s)/Contribution(s): Project Management, Technical Writing, Instructional Design Primary Tool(s) …

Variable Content PDF eForm

Title: Applicant Resubmit Checklist eForm for Bureau of Development Services Audience: Architects, Construction Developers, and Homeowners Goal: Create a sin­gle doc­u­ment to cap­ture a set of data from a poten­tial­ly large pool of …

Slide: Contents

Creating a Brand Style Guide

Title: Slides from Module 4 of the video course Creating a Brand Style Guide Audience: Corporate Brand Managers and Marketing and Design per­son­nel My Role(s)/Contribution(s): Author, Designer Primary Tool(s) Employed: Microsoft PowerPoint Working …

Elearn module: ePlans Reviewer Training: ProjectDox Measure Takeoff (Part 1: Creating Categories and Counting)

Elearning: ProjectDox Measure TakeOff

Note: Video is export­ed from the Captivate elearn­ing mod­ule, which dis­ables inter­ac­tiv­i­ty and can intro­duce tim­ing glitch­es. The actu­al Captivate elearn­ing mod­ule is avail­able for review upon request. Title: ProjectDox …

UX Skills Assessment Using Bloom's Taxonomy

Title: Skills Assessment: UX Design (User Experience Design) Audience: Professional UX design­ers seek­ing an inde­pen­dent ver­i­fi­ca­tion of their skills for prospec­tive employ­ment and/or look­ing to under­stand weak­ness­es and holes in …

Elearn module: ePlans Reviewer Training: ProjectDox Versioning Tools

Elearning: ProjectDox Versioning Tools

Note: Video is export­ed from the Captivate elearn­ing mod­ule, which dis­ables inter­ac­tiv­i­ty and can intro­duce tim­ing glitch­es. The actu­al Captivate elearn­ing mod­ule is avail­able for review upon request. Title: ProjectDox …

Video eLearning: ProjectDox Applicant

Title: Training & Workforce Development Video Shorts Animations Audience: Internal Personnel Organization-wide My Role(s)/Contribution(s): Animation, Audio Editing, Video Editing, Comedy Writing Primary Tool(s) Employed: Vyond, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Première Pro, Adobe …

Elearning/Mlearning: Ivacaftor Clinical Studies

Title: Ivancaftor Clinical Studies eLearning Module Audience: Pharmaceutical com­pa­ny Sales dept. My Role(s)/Contribution(s): Instructional Design, Graphic Design Primary Tool(s) Employed: iSpring Suite, PowerPoint Description: Interactive module-based edu­ca­tion used by phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal sales …